| 10 March 2015 (USA)
Subconscious Trailers

An investigation into a retired WWII sub plunges a research team into a supernatural journey across the dark abyss of time - with history hanging in the balance.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
newmarketguy Actually, the acting wasn't entirely as bad as many on here are portraying. The lead actor and the woman who played his wife actually did alright. The big problem with this movie - other than the glaring historical accuracies, like; why was it docked in a Boston harbour during WWII when they were fighting in the Pacific theatre against the Japanese? Why would the torpedoes still be armed? How could the batteries still be charged? etc., - the problem was the script. And I don't even mean the military aspects of it either. It was laughingly atrocious, full of cheesy lines, juvenile at best. It seemed to steal lines from every bad war movie ever made, like the line where the guards at the gate to the Naval base roll their eyes and say "civilians", or when they quote the 'there's only two kinds of ships" saying, that can be found on any submarine gift-shop t-shirt. If the script had been better, this movie may have had a chance to rise above it's almost unwatchable level.
zif ofoz Bad acting, bad script, bad bad bad everything.No - I couldn't make it to the end of this over two hour painful sh*t of a movie.After the first 30 to 40 minutes nothing could save it; nothing can save it. I cannot recall just where I stopped watching. But take my advice, please, skip this movie!You must be a desperate hard core sci-fi needy addict to make it through this - - story?Honestly just writing these words is boring me to tears - just like this movie did!
Had Enough I really am at the point of despair with regard to the American movie industry. It seems to have decided that anything can now be considered a movie. I fear that unless something changes soon, that it will no longer be a world leader in the movie industry. There is no danger of writing a spoiler for this so called movie, as to do so I would have to force my brain to re-live it, and I am not that brave. No story, no script, no acting, no continuity, no effort to even attempt to honour the laws of physics. If this movie was a medicine, it would be banned in every country of the world. not waste your time and money on what is without question the worst movie in recent memory.
hopeseekr This was a very tedious movie. I checked it out because it had a 5.8 out of 10 rating, with just 16 people voting. I figured even if it were a 4 out of 10, it'd be OK for my purposes.Alas! After the first 30 minutes, it dove off a cliff in terms of entertainment value and acting charisma. I have seen fantastically better performances from high school drama teams. Frankly, the soundtrack was a 4 out of 10, and I enjoyed it a lot better when the people weren't talking. The dialog *really* sinks the movie with the sub.I cannot recommend this movie, however, I hope at least the actors and actresses got a semi-decent paycheck for their part. At least that'd be something good to come out of this shipwreck (pun intended).