Sub Zero
Sub Zero
| 06 September 2005 (USA)
Sub Zero Trailers

A device that controls a powerful Russian-made satellite weapon is stolen by Russian terrorists, who try to escape by flying out but are shot down. The device is now on top of K2. The device is still active and where it will strike is indeterminable. The good guys have to get to the device and deactivate it. Only trouble, it's winter and it'll be difficult to climb K2. A few of the best mountain climbers in the world are recruited to take techs who can deactivate the device to the top of K2. However, before the climbing party leaves, a team member dies, and it might not be natural causes. The group who stole the device might have someone on the team. But they still go on.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
bbickley13-921-58664 The movie could have been an action packed sequel to Cliffhanger if Stallone wanted to do it.The movie even starts out like cliffhanger with one of the main characters loosing someone on a mountain climb.After this, the basic premise is that of the best mountain climbers in the world being hired by the united states military to retrieve a weapon that crash landed on said mountain during a winter storm before it accidentally goes off. Of course, these climbers have to convince that guy that lost his love one in the beginning of the film to join the group. To add to the danger, they have little time to get there and someone on the team is willing to kill them in order to get the weapon for themselves.It's a decent plot for a low budget action flick co-starring Nia Peeples who got her action chops on Walker Texas Ranger. The special effects are kinda cheesy and make the movie laughable at times. Though the climbing scenes were okay despite the fact that a lot of it really looked like it was done on s sound stage, sometimes the action sequences were too complex for the FX department.An okay action movie that could have used a little more action and less campy effects.
zmc406 This is worth seeing, if only to provide a floor for rating all other movies. Worst of all time? Probably not. laughingly, shockingly horrible? Definitely. I was embarrassed for the actors in the movie, who must have been randomly recruited from a Greyhound terminal. I was also embarrassed for the movie Vertical Limit, which, though it is also a terrible movie in it's own right, actually made an effort, and has some entertainment value including a couple of Point Break-esquire one-liners. Sub Zero lifted almost all of it's action sequences and mountain scenes from Vertical Limit. When I say lifted, I don't mean they borrowed ideas, but rather cut-and-pasted footage. Another person wrote that one scene looked like an SNL skit, and I agree. Sub Zero is so pathetic, it is almost entertaining. But not quite.
joedfilms OK, much has already been said about the ridiculous plot; total lack of research, shopping mall props and general total ignorance exhibited within every facet of this film. Evidently it was directed with contempt for the audience's intelligence. It did occur to me early on that this whole film might be a mis-packaged spoof of all the bad films that went before, but no - they appear to have been serious in their attempt. Although how anyone could think people would not notice the continuity errors (e.g. red rope/blue rope, tarmac outside the mountain-top gun station, Nissen huts suddenly changing shape, etc etc) is beyond me.But the crowning glory for me was:Do the producers really think that there are pine trees at the summit of K2?
paul_nally Hard to imagine why a group of people would assemble to produce this. I just watched it on Pay Per View. I was in the mood for a "thriller", and the most skilled artisan involved in this production was the one who made the trailer look like it referenced a passable film. I do occasionally like to watch "rubbish" films, like the random Airline disaster... The ones where someone with the fear of flying lands the airplane with one wing, no wheels and after all the crew die after all drinking coffee spiked by a scorned lover, while callous Corporate overlords cover up the shoddy maintenance schedule of the aircraft.But... not this...Another commenter points out all the flaws relating to mountain climbing. The science is just as daft, the technology even worse and the political scenario's take the biscuit... So the UN sanction the creation of a doomsday satellite network, all controlled by one 4 inch remote control device thats guarded by, maybe 3 guys...I may have seen a worse movie in my life... But I cant think of one, right now.