R | 15 October 2001 (USA)
Styx Trailers

Nelson puts his criminal ways behind him, having spent years as a first-rate safecracker. This resolution lasts until his brother finds himself owing money to organised crime and Nelson needs to do one last big job, with a few other professionals.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
SnoopyStyle Nelson (Peter Weller), Mike (Angus Macfadyen), and Art (Bryan Brown) are part of a crew. They do an armed bank robbery. It doesn't go exactly right and a guard is killed. They are about to kill the incompetent drug-addicted gun hire when he shoots first. They crash and Art is injured. Afterward, Nelson tries to move on with a normal life. Mike gets into trouble over gambling debts and Nelson is pulled back into doing one last job.This starts with a promising action section. It's inferior cinematically and is more fitting for a TV movie. There is still an explosion, a car chase, and some hope. It is soon obvious that it's not good enough. The action looks more like 80's TV. It's a lot of slow motion and bad dying. These are solid actors. I'm left with the conclusion that director Alex Wright and his South African crew are up to the task of making top rate movies.
zimbo_the_donkey_boy They had the perfect plan. Just one thing was missing - any relation to reality whatsoever.It's unfair of these jamokes to market what was obviously a student film as a real movie. This was a collection of clichés. I counted 87. The plot didn't make sense. The characters didn't make sense. The vehicles didn't make sense. The bullets didn't make sense. I hope the stars got paid well. It was the filmmakers' who failed rather than the actors. It appeared that I missed a nude scene of a hot broad by watching this on TV but I did see it on TV so, if that nudity was worth one more star, that wasn't earned from me. I did enjoy my hamburger though.
wtrbby52 This movie was a terrible waste of good talent. I have seen Peter Weller and Bryan Brown in much better movies. This is sad that they had to stoop this low just to make some money. Better luck next time guys. I have seen some bad movies in my day, but I must say that if I were a school teacher and were to give this movie a grade, it would probably be a D-. This isn't a B movie it is a D- movie. Sorry this is so cruel but I can't think of a worse waste of time and money than this movie. The plot of the movie was interesting, but very poorly laid out in script. It lacked a lot of organization that is necessary for a movie or a play to be successful. All this movie was, was a lot of murder, mayhem and sex. None of which make it a movie that I would enjoy. My family did not enjoy it either.
George Parker Weller is at the center of "Styx" playing a safe cracker who is coerced from retirement to help his brother (MacFayden) pay off gambling debts. A typical Weller B-movie, "Styx" is full of unrealized potential. The beginning, end, and story backbone are strong but the middle tries too hard for the serious drama when it should have just stuck with the proven B-flick action/sex/nudity titilators. The result is a marginal small screen watch at best. (D)