Stuart Bliss
Stuart Bliss
NR | 18 April 1998 (USA)
Stuart Bliss Trailers

After his frustrated wife abruptly walks out on him, Stuart Bliss, a wizard at inventing campaigns for surplus military materials, believes he's catching the warning of a coming apocalypse. Descending into paranoia, he then begins to perceive every subtle change in his office as a sign of intrusion, imagining that he's being watched and possibly polluted with a contaminated substance.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
flowscape I enjoyed the feel of the opening few minutes, but 20-minutes in I was liberally applying the fast-forward button. Far too many shots of Stewart (Michael Zelniker) walking from room to room, down hallways, through doors and down the street, and as many shots of him looking pensive and confused. Gave me the impression that the story had originally been meant as a short (20-30 minutes), and then stretched into a feature as a labour of love between director Grieve and star Zelniker (they co-wrote the screenplay).It might have been more entertaining if any of the characters had anything to say that I hadn't heard said in many other films before, or if the ending wasn't - disappointingly - the one I had predicted three minutes into the film (atypical for an independent/smaller studio film). At least its heart was in the right place - it wasn't your standard formulaic Hollywood manipulative nonsense.
michael_chris11 Stuart Bliss is so funny, and in a very dark way. The filmmakers are especially successful because they weave the tail by planting these ideas early on that pay off later on and in totally believable ways. But they never let us off the hook. We are constantly wondering, are the things happening to Stuart really happening, or only in Stuart's mind. They mine the idea that perception is reality with hilarious implications. I recommend seeing STUART BLISS more than once in order to get all the subleties offered by the filmmakers. Great to see such an inventive, original movie.
taylorveronica I saw this movie at the Northampton Film Festival in 1998. It deservedly won the Best Film Award. I'm very happy to see it's coming out on video & DVD starting November 20, 2001. This is one of those low budget movies that deserves to be seen.The filmmakers did an incredible job telling the story about a regular guy going mad in a world gone mad. It pokes fun, in subtle and believable ways, at all the paranoia that emerged around Y2K. The performances are really outstanding! Especially Michael Zelniker in the title role; Dea Lawrence playingtwo roles very cleverly; and Derek McGrath as Stuart's nemesis.I recommend Stuart Bliss to everyone. Especially people who like unusual, original movies. I wish there were more movies out there like it.
dealaw12 STUART BLISS is a black comedy about paranoia. After Stuart's wife leaves him unexpectedly, seemingly coincidental events begin to converge in his life leaving him believing that the world is coming to an end.SB is extremely funny and at the same time very touching. The screen writers, Neil Grieve and Michael Zelniker have walked that fine line required to successfully pull off a black comedy.The performances are all exquisitely realized...especially Michael Zelniker as Stuart, Dea Lawrence in the dual role of Janet and Katerina, Mark Fite as Reverend Walmsley, Derek McGrath as Ted, Ania Suli as the Grandmother, and Charlotte Booker and Ken Earl as the Jehovah's Unite couple.Neil Grieve's direction is organic and inobtrusive, in that he creates with camera the ambience that supports what Stuart is feeling. Very deftly executed.The music and sound design by John Jones adds immeasurably to the atmosphere.I'd recommend STUART BLISS highly.