Strategic Command
Strategic Command
| 06 January 1997 (USA)
Strategic Command Trailers

Rick Harding is a former Marines officer, now working in the FBI as a chemical weapons designer. While packing up for the night, a group of armed soldiers led by wanted criminal Carlos Gruber, break into the FBI research lab. They steal large amounts of a newly created germ warfare chemical called Bromax-360, loosing two of their men in the process before escaping into the night.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Lawbolisted Powerful
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
callanvass Dudikoff has done a few Die Hard variations. I just saw another dud recently of his called "Crash Dive" , this one isn't as bad as that film, but that isn't exactly complimentary. Dudikoff can be fun to watch when he has at least an average script to work with. This was another one of his cheapies he made around this juncture. It doesn't have a whole lot of action. If you count unexciting shootouts that are uninvolving, along with a few uninspired scraps, this will be right up your alley. This movie takes itself incredibly seriously, failing to inject much humor into the proceedings. Dudikoff can do this type of thing in his sleep and does at times. He looks bored half the time and I don't blame him. Amanda Wyss is known for her role is Tina in Nightmare on Elm Street. She's gorgeous to look at, wooden as a board performance wise. Bryan Cranston (Yes, Breaking Bad) is so far and above the performances, it's ridiculous. He is a hoot. Overall, go watch the first two American Ninhas or Dudikoff's sadly short lived show Cobra. That is Dudikoff at his best 3/10
rk34 Hey, of course it's the same movie as Executive Decision. Michael did it first and Hollywood thought it was such a good movie, they packed it with so called top stars and remade it with bigger special effects. Fantastic movie, great scenes even if some of them were re-used in other movies, but what do you expect from a lower budget film. Not only does Michael put in a solid and believable performance, but all the cast come together well to make this a great action/suspense movie not to be missed. Whether you are a die hard Dudikoff fan or a newbie to his movies, this one is yet another great offering from Dudikoff. Check it out and you won't be disappointed.
airodyssey This is, without any doubt, the WORST movie involving airplanes in the entire history of movies, and also one of the WORST movies, period. Good thing I was alternating between this movie and "Corrina, Corrina" on TV, I thought the latter was by far more interesting. But the point is: the guys not only directly copy Air Force One and Executive Decision, but also don't know anything about aviation.I mean how on Earth is there supposed to be this little trap at the belly of the 747, right on spot? How is there supposed to be this elevator that goes straight to the cargo section? Why on Earth is that plane bearing the livery of the inaugural 747 flight from Boeing? They were too cheap to take shots of a plane themselves, so they took footage from Boeing. Why is that "TERRAIN - PULL UP" or "TOO LOW - GEAR" alarm ringing when the aircraft is flying at cruising altitude? One last thing: the realistic ending of the movie would have been the 747 crashing and burning in Santa Monica and having half the population of Los Angeles killed either with the fire or the chemical toxin, because it is impossible to land a plane that easily (and so nicely aligned with the runway)! Overall, this movie is the worst of all, the acting is awful, the plot is awful, it made me think: "How lower can you sink?"
Alex-57 Same scenario: plane hijackers, stealth plane hookup, not all the crew makes it into the plane, mini-cameras to see what's going on, and guy trying to disarm bomb. Even the name is the same thing...sounds like a guy with a thesaurus named it!
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