Strange Magic
Strange Magic
PG | 23 January 2015 (USA)
Strange Magic Trailers

A love potion works its devious charms on fairies, elves and the swamp-dwelling Bog King as they all try to possess the potion for themselves.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Bereamic Awesome Movie
ShangLuda Admirable film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Animated Antic I was nine when I first George Lucas' magnum opus "Star Wars". It not only opened my eyes to exciting and fun characters as well as a very imaginative creative world, it essentially sparked my interest in film, and made me appreciate story and characters more and more. It became one of my favorite movies of all time which is just sad considering he went from making that film to the annoying thing that is known as "Strange Magic". And when I say annoying, I really do mean annoying. It's unbelievable how much this film shocked me. How did the man that make "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones" give us this? No, wait. I take that back. This is from the man that also made "The Phantom Menace" and "Howard the Duck". Why am I not surprised? Oh, just wait till I give you my full thoughts on this garbage. It's going to be really fun.In a world of magic and fantasy exist two kingdoms split between lightness and darkness. The darker kingdom has been hunting down primrose flowers down mainly because it is known for creating a love potion which the evil Bog King (Alan Cumming) hates. Meanwhile in the lighter kingdom, a fairy princess named Marianne (Evan Rachel Wood) has had her heart broken by the handsome warrior Roland (Sam Palladio) and through very rushed character development has promised never to love again. Wanting to win her heart back, Roland asks an elf named Sunny (Elijah Kelley) to find the captured Sugar Plum Fairy (Kristin Chenoweth) to make a love potion hoping it could win over Marianne's heart back. After retrieving the potion, things don't go according to plan when the potion accidentally gets sprinkled on Marianne's sister Dawn (Meredith Anne Bull) who is even captured by the Bog King who orders the kingdom to get the potion back before moon down. So, what happens after this? You can look up a plot synopsis on the internet to figure out the rest your self because I just want to rip into this disaster.At first, I will admit I did get slightly into the story at first due to it's interesting ideas and my love for fantasy. However, the film completely looses all hope of survival after we hear Marianne sing "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You". In fact, I forgot to mention that this film was a jukebox musical that has a lot of songs. And I really mean, a lot. By the time we got to third song, we weren't even fifteen minutes into the film. In fact, want to know how many songs there are in the movie? Thirteen. Yeah, you read that right. Thirteen! An average Disney movie has about six or seven. Speaking of Disney who now owns Lucasfilm, you could really tell that they did not want to have anything to do with the movie, and it obviously shows. They released this film under their Touchstone banner, did little promotion of it, and only released a trailer about two months before the film was released. Isn't that ridiculous? I honestly don't blame them for wanting to get away from an annoying story and annoying characters. Yeah, let's go over the story as well. It's easily the worse thing in the entire movie. The film's theme of love was so obnoxious and all over the film that it drove me crazy. I also hated the rushed character development the film had with it's characters, particularly Marianne. She initially starts off as a cute princess in the beginning of the film and is shown to be unable to use a sword then after her heart is broken, she sings this stupid musical number, changes her clothes, and is instantly a rebellious fairy. No training is shown whatsoever and we don't even know how she even got good at it because the film didn't take the time to explain. The Bog King was also terrible considering that he actually sang that he was evil. I put my hands on my face as soon as I heard that. I mean, this is terrible writing! No villain just goes out there and says he's evil. He does what he does because he believes it the right thing to do, when it's really not. The only praise worthy elements I can give to this film is the animation. It looked so stunning and beautiful that I was even angered even more that it was put in a film like this."Strange Magic" is just an annoying picture. The story, characters, songs, everything about this film annoyed me. It's such a shame that George Lucas went from being one of the most influential directors of all time to a total joke. If there's anything that this film will be remembered for, its as the nail that sealed the coffin of George Lucas' film career shut.
idontneedhave I have seen quite a lot of hate towards this movie, but I can't quite see where it comes from. It seems to be a either you hate it or love it movie. The animation was dark yet beautiful. The music was well timed and perfect for where it was placed in the story. I particularly liked how it truly stuck to the theme of looking past looks and not judging a book by it's cover, unlike a certain Disney movie with the same premise. Bog isn't cruel because of his looks in the beginning, he is cruel due to the pain he feels, which is a realistic way to depict it. He doesn't magically become handsome when Marriane falls for him, but stays the way he is and they fall in love due to similar personality traits and experiences rather than because of either of their looks. It also show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder from both standpoints. We as the audience might find Marriane to be the attractive one due to her being conventionally attractive, but the movie makes it clear that she doesn't fit what Bog finds to be physically attractive initially. Sometimes who we perceive to be unattractive can become attractive if you get to know them. I think that this movie portrays that very well.
fluidling . The idea of the movie is that love conquers all, but it takes to an extent which is too gross for words. Beautiful graphics, but an excessive singing, characters which are too hideous or exaggerated, and a love story which is basically gross makes this movie unwatchable for adults and totally inappropriate for children. Stay away from this one.
helixth In this era of weak plots, overboard effects, and pathetic attempts at humor, Lucas manages to deliver a film combining music drama comedy and more in an intelligent format suitable for the whole family! In particular, the prisoner scene in the dark forest was a hilariously nice touch - I rewound the scene at least a dozen times, and laughed even harder with each viewing. You should definitely give this film a shot!