Straight Story
Straight Story
| 21 December 2006 (USA)
Straight Story Trailers

This film is about an upside down world, where being homosexual is considered "normal" and heterosexual is considered "not normal".

Micitype Pretty Good
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Marina Hass Despite its technical flaws, this is a daring and clever addition to contemporary Greek cinema. What I like about Straight Story is that there is no clear message other than what the viewer chooses to project onto the movie. Nevertheless, this film inevitably critiques the xenophobia and homophobia that underlies the new, supposedly more progressive Greek society. As a story, it has its narrative flaws, but I don't think that's the point of this film. The point is to critique certain aspects of Greek culture without getting too preachy, and also providing entertainment. Nevertheless, Straight Story has a unique narrative premise, and a twist at the end that might make you frustrated. For me, though, that frustration and disappointment is indicative of how far (or not) we have progressed as a Greek society.
eros_man_gr Several people who reviewed this film failed to grasp what genre it was. It is an alternative reality comedy, like "The Invention of Lying", that attempts to make a point by reversing the "normal" situation. In the world of the film, gay people are the norm, and heterosexual people are considered perverts and cannot marry. It's a fun concept, although the story is fairly predictable, once it gets going. If you just want to see a Greek comedy that also has a message, then this will do just fine. If you crave superior quality, though, then this film is not for you. The acting is a bit cheesy, but it is really the kind of movie where a sincere portrayal would actually ruin it, because then it would seem like it was meant to be a serious film. It's not great, it's not terrible, but it'll do.
johnangelo70 I laughed the whole time while there was a tragic element into it. Like the old Greek tragedies. It was about time for someone to come out with a movie like this and remind a society like the Greek one that is time to wake up and be with the rest of the world. No wonder it was the best seller movie of the year, everyone went to see it including the closeted cases with their wives. A culture moves a step forward with bold moves like this like releasing such movies. The acting could have been better but the reality is this movie hit the nail in the had. Had the people talking about what is normal after all. Therefore this movie is groundbreaking, i highly recommend it. In Canada where i live gay coouples can marry, adopt children, go to the supermarket holding hands,talk to the kids' teacher and this is normal. It is time for Greece to move to that direction as well. A democratic society goes ahead not with the things that devides us, but with the things that unite us. Kudos to the ceators of the movie.
ak6397060 Even though the idea is interesting (a society where the Gays are the majority and the straights are the exception), the implementation of this subject on the movie was awful. Characters without any cause of existence (the two fathers, the "funny" friend of the boy etc), a REALLY NAIVE plot, caricatures who scream all the time without knowing why (it is supposed to be funny in Greek movies), and a very bad approach lacking any comedy characteristic. I didn't laugh at all, and at the end of the movie I felt like an idiot (the end is VERY-VERY naive). At the pros of the movie I only add the photography and the good production. Don't see the movie and waste your time like I did.