Still Breathing
Still Breathing
PG-13 | 01 October 1997 (USA)
Still Breathing Trailers

Two lost souls: she a con-artist in L.A.; he a puppeteer in San Antonio have the same dream linking each with the other. He travels to L.A. to find this woman he has become obsessed with. She resists, afraid of his kooky ideas until she travels with him to San Antonio and meets his wise grandmother. Story of two disparate people linked by "fate" gets increasingly interesting as it rolls along.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
fusionjazz1 I was channel surfing one Saturday afternoon in '05 and fell into the last half of this film. I was hooked! I called a store manager of Blockbuster to help me find this movie for purchase in all their stores back in '05 and she had one VHS left on the sales shelf. There are no more reprints of this for retail sale unfortunately. After watching the movie in its entirety, it was heartwarming. Truly a 'feel good' movie to cheer you up. This movie is beautifully done. The scenes and story line just flows wonderfully to blend into a great story line. Excellent direction from beginning to end. Finally, a movie with a great ending! Joanna Going and Brendan Fraiser are great together. It's one of my favorites. It touches the heartstrings. It may see like a chic-flick but guys would enjoy this too. The mystery and comedic aspects throughout make it lightheartedly touching to watch. The whole concept of how to find your true love has always been a mystery. This movie touches upon that. If only men do find their true love this way it would make a great reality-TV series. (LOL) The SOUNDTRACK is excellent. It's a shame they stopped printing this movie for retail sale. ( They really should re-release this and sell more of the DVDs (at a reasonable price). It's too excellent of a movie to sit on a shelf or sell on the streets. Now and then cable movie channels air this but it's rare. If you get an opportunity to watch this movie, it is indeed, a true treasure of a film. I highly recommend it.
ErinGoBragh2000 I love this movie and have been hoping it would come out on DVD. I have been waiting for a few years now. There are some used ones listed on Amazon, but I doubt they are true copies. I actually have the VHS, but I want it on DVD before my VHS degrades completely. I also wish they would play it more often on TV. If anyone reading this has any say in the possibility of coming out on DVD, you have my vote. It blows me away when I see true losers on DVD, but then have such a great movie neglected. The first time I saw the movie, it was playing on HBO, I think I watched every showing of it until they quit playing it. It is totally a feel good movie. It's about the innocence, and trust of a sweet natured man has against the jaded con-woman who is trying to run a scam on him. It has a mystical bent, which I really enjoy. I am a huge Brendan Fraser fan, there have only been a couple movies he's done that I really think stink. I highly recommend seeing this film, although one might consider it a chick flick, my husband really likes it too.
editor-306 Combining eccentricity with serendipity, Still Breathing is still, almost ten years after it was first released, one of the best fate-filled and wistfully magical love stories of all time. Take one somewhat unusual street performer who is mystically drawn towards his soul mate - a hardened con artist miles away, and then back their journey towards, away and towards one another with a gorgeous soundtrack that moves effortlessly from Chopin to Carly Simon, and you've got one very touching if not markedly unique story. Fraser is great as the slightly odd lovestruck suitor as is Going, who clearly portrays her struggle with losing the grip on her tough anti-emotion veneer as it starts to crumble under Fraser's enticing conviction. The lovely locale of San Antonio, TX also adds to the charm of this special film that will leave you wondering if one soul is truly destined to be, exclusively, with another.
kirkham-1 If you are not a sensitive guy - don't bother. Otherwise, this film is a treat. You must see the film in its entirety or you will not get it. Super casting job - I do not know of any others who could have handled the parts so well. A true look beyond the superficial plastic sides of characters we usually see. A truly pleasing experience to watch. Brendan Frasier and Joanna Going have much more going for them then the typical fluff of Hollywood types and this movie displays their depth well. Celeste Holm is enchanting and the supporting cast add much color and flavor.