NR | 17 November 2015 (USA)
Steel Trailers

Daniel, a successful TV journalist living life in the fast lane, has fallen into a deep depression. His seemingly perfect life suddenly collapses under him when panic attacks force him to deal with himself and his past.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
BunmaTan It's not too bad but it's kinda bad compared to other gay-themed movie. The two actors are hot (that's the only point in the movie, I suppose). It managed show the struggle of a lonely person would feel, they kinda get me there. The actors are not that good, and yes the frontal scene is a bonus for 6 star lolWhat I would love is that they actually make Alexander real, as if he is a rebellious young kid that comes into the grumpy Daniel's life and made him less lonely. I guess that would be much less interesting tho. What about the title Steel/I means? There will be a sequel? Overall, a 6 star is too high.
Tom Dooley This is a hard watch it is about some TV presenter called Daniel who goes a little bit weird at the same time that a cutesie twink decides to enter his life. This is Alexander played by, the unfortunately named, David Cameron. He has all the emotional development of a three month old puppy.They do some 'getting it on' and have a few dramas as the musical score goes off on o0ne seemingly having been penned for a different film – one that was probably watchable.This was one of those films that I tried to find something to like. The boys are good looking, but constantly pad about the place wearing as little as possible or as tight as possible – I mean cliché central or what. The dialogue was turgid, the acting almost painful and the plot so bewilderingly pointless that I kept saying – who would really care? Only see if you like a soft porno with acting of a similar calibre – truly bad.
Francois Thurston OK so I thought to myself "hmmm gay films are never usually that good." But this one is!It deals with depression, anxiety attacks and loneliness in a way no other film to my mind ever has! Yes the full-frontal was a bonus I agree there.My only issue and it is a major one, was that this guy that helps him through almost the entire film ends up being imaginary! That was a really big 'up yours' to me and I have to say I would have preferred it if the film ended right after they got home from shopping. Alexander could say 'I love you' for the billionth time (lol) and finally Daniel could say it back. The end.Don't get me wrong, I totally get why they did this and I'm not saying it didn't make sense because it did, but it just hit me in the gut when they revealed it.Guys a lot of gay films out there suck. I know this for a fact. But this one, NOT AT ALL!Well done to Sven Matten and Vincent Ho on piecing together nothing short of a masterpiece.
outterspaces I will be short. I gave this an 8. The beginning was a bit shaky, I wasn't sure how serious the main actor was at first. But then it all changed. The music was way beyond this level of cinema and at moments it was taking your attention away from the story but later on it kinda made sense, too (bravo!). I truly think this deserves a bit more than 6.5 on IMDb (despite the very low viewership). Even though I figured out the twist from the very beginning, I enjoyed every second of it. Chad Connell's front nudity is a bonus. This is one of those gay films that I'll come back to and think about how it made me feel.