Steel Trap
Steel Trap
R | 07 November 2007 (USA)
Steel Trap Trailers

A who-is-it setting in the claustrophobic corridors of an abandoned and locked-off office building that has several guests invited to a party by their mysterious, unknown host. Only it is they who are the victims of their crimes. Suspense and mistrust are not the only stalker in this cat and mouse game of wits and fear. Who is the stalker? Why is he killing? And what is it exactly that everyone here has in common?

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
loomis78-815-989034 A select number of people at a New Year's Eve party receive a text message that instructs them to a private party on the 27th floor. Each person goes and meets the others as they are sent on a game that quickly becomes deadly. The characters have been hand selected by a slasher in a mask who is stalking the building and floor. This doesn't stop the characters from going out on their own which usually results in them being picked off by the killer. This modern day slasher film has a few interesting plot twists to keep you guessing and interested, such as why has this group been selected to be slaughtered? The production is professional and the action moves at a good pace. This could have easily turned into a "Saw" clone but it chooses to center on who is behind the elaborate scheme keeping to its slasher roots. None of the death sequences stand out over the other, but the movie does keep your interest. Certainly slasher film fans will have the most fun here. The movies biggest flaw, and it's a common one, is that most of the characters are so obnoxious you want to see them die. This isn't the first slasher film to suffer from this and it won't be the last.
larawoolley I think this film is excellent. Luckily I stumbled upon it whilst scrolling through the horror channel; I'm very glad that I found it!! The film gripped me from the outset; it is chilling, mysterious, creepy, and has you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole film. There are a lot of similarities between this film and the Saw franchise; but that's fine (I'm a huge fan of the Saw films). Very interesting and gripping; the characters are likable and the fear is believable, and whilst I initially thought that the twist was a bit tacky to begin with, the more it carried on the more I was pleased and surprised with how it developed. Overall an excellent film and I will definitely recommend others to watch it.
kluseba This is the second part of my little review series: Movies that are way better than you expect."Steel trap" seems at first sight to be another ordinary psychological thriller or slasher movie in the shadows of the great "The cube", "Mind Hunters" and "Saw". I expected a movie of a quality comparable to "House of 9" or "Nine dead" but I was rather wrong.The movie starts with the introduction to some stereotypical and rather ordinary characters and I was already close to judge the lack of originality of this movie. When the killing game began I was positively surprised for the first time. The acting wasn't that wooden and rather realistic and appropriated.The next surprise followed quickly. The killing methods turned out to be rather original, the atmosphere was sinister and gripping and the whole story attached me more to the characters. The movie got truly entertaining and addicting and I kept guessing who was behind the bloody murders and why. The great thing is that there are many wrong clues and also some right ones and I happened to analyze the behaviour of each candidate and had to change my mind and opinion many times.The third and last great surprise is without a doubt the twist in the end of the movie that I didn't really see coming. Normally, I have some doubts and am able to get on the right lane but this time, I got completely bumped. This ending really rated this movie way up beyond the average slasher flick.To keep it short, this is a rather original and gripping movie of a more and more popular genre and the rating average in here is definitely way too low. The movie is entertaining and an ideal choice for any horror movie night with your mates and you will keep guessing and expecting until the very end.
Argemaluco I think that a filmmaker who decides to make a slasher flick has two choices : having a lot of faith on the screenplay and to trust that he found a new perspective for making that formula interesting or making a completely mercenary film which is full of clichés for finally making a cheap movie.The crappy film Steel Trap belongs to the second style.The slasher films became popular thanks to Halloween (1978) and Friday the 13th and,since of that,we have seen hundred of movies with similar structures,characters and story.The details change,so every slasher movie tries to be different by using a curious location or a new mask,just to mention two examples.I do not pretend to find a lot of originality on slasher films but what I pretend to find is even the minimum effort for giving the known formula a special element,making it interesting and entertaining.Steel Trap could have chosen that difficult point but,instead of risking,director and co-screenwriter Luis Cámara and co-screenwriter Gabrielle Galanter wasted that opportunity so Steel Trap is a tedious experience with an extremely weak screenplay,repulsive characters,a boring and generic killer without any personality and a forced and arbitrary ending.I usually do not like to criticize an independent film from my favourite genre but,even on some incompetent works (like Return to Sleepaway Camp),I appreciate some energy and enthusiasm which on some way compensate some fails of the movie.But Steel Trap does not even have that.Plus,to add more negative things,Cámara's direction is completely insipid.In other words,it seems nobody involved on this movie was really interested on it.The characters are so repulsive that I was glad when the killer started to kill them.Steel Trap is a very crappy film.This is one of that movies in which I feel I really lost the time with it and that's the worst sin a movie can make.If you wanna see a very good modern slasher flick,I recommend you the Norwegian movie Fritt Vilt.Skip Steel Trap,a very bad horror film.