Stealth Fighter
Stealth Fighter
| 01 January 1999 (USA)
Stealth Fighter Trailers

A navy pilot fakes his own death and steals a stealth fighter plane from a U.S.A.F base. He then acts as a mercenary, targeting military installations around the world.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
ashgameover Just an OK movie. The plot is a pretty cheap one and I would have liked more dialog rather than all of the flying/fighting scenes. I must admit I watched it online and even wound up skipping through parts. There were however three excellent actors in this film, being Ernie Hudson, Costas Mandylor, and William Sadler. They all played their parts as best as they could with the writing given. There was an over usage of dramatic flight imagery and score music. I would recommend it for someone who is more into stealth flying such as soldiers or the like they may enjoy the film but for your typical movie goer, it's something to watch once if that and never again.
Comeuppance Reviews "The Ultimate Street Fight At 50,000 Feet!" As if Desert Thunder (1999) wasn't enough, from the team of Jim Wynorski, Lenny Juliano, some stock footage, miniatures, and a green screen comes Stealth Fighter, the tale of Ryan "Iron Man" Mitchell (Mandylor) a Harry Connick Jr. lookalike who is a member of a special ops team who reports directly to President Westwood (Hudson). When his former buddy Owen Turner (-T) starts working for evil terrorist mastermind Roberto Menendez (Divoff), bad things start to happen.They sink a submarine with a full crew on board, initiate the killer satellite Thanatos to blow up the world, and on top of that, Turner steals a stealth fighter jet. Meanwhile Mitchell is trying to repair his family life with his wife Erin (Eleniak) and daughter J.P. (Dampf). So he offers to go on this one last mission to save the world.You know Menendez is evil because he sports an ascot. Lister plays his muscle named Berg. All he does is bug out his eyes. The best actor in the movie is Sarah Dampf as Mitchell's precocious daughter. The code name "Eagle One" makes another appearance just like in Desert Thunder. The movie is filled to the brim with silly slang and you have to activate the closed captioning to understand the dialogue: "You've just been splashed!", "The Bird", The usage of "SAMS", etc. There's also the funny mission names such as "Black Raven" and "Operation: Clean Sweep".A tongue-in-cheek scene occurs when William Sadler, as Mitchell's commanding officer Frank Peterson, sits behind his desk and yells "You're a wild card!" Also in that scene, Sadler calls him "Kenny" for some reason. Strangely, his daughter claims to have a boyfriend named Kenny. In that same scene, his wife offers Mitchell some iced tea. Of all drinks, why that? Speaking of the man, he wears some funny shirts and spits out his lines in his own inimitable way. He's part tough, part goofy. Somehow he doesn't seem like an expert with planes. In the final battle between him and Mitchell, we even get to see his martial arts stylings, or Ice-Fu if you will.Many things in Stealth Fighter are prescient. Ernie Hudson is cast as the President, predating Obama. They talk about Electro-magnetic Pulse attacks, which have been in the news recently.The title has two meanings: Mitchell himself, and the plane in question. The submarine subplot wasn't substantial, it was pretty subpar.In all, if you like cardboard planes, goofy DTV action, Jim Wynorski, or Desert Thunder (which is superior to this) and you want slang-filled, utterly brainless action, then watch Stealth Fighter.For more insanity, please visit:
Nick Dets I have a strange love for the low budget action movies that collect dust on the shelf of video stores. The ones that might get play on ActionMax, but are understandably overlooked by everyone else. I suckered myself into watching it, and was oddly absorbed into it's fun opening scene involving a raid on a drug plant. Its opening is a good attention getter to keep the audience from shutting it off or turning the channel, but unfortunately the scenes that follow get increasingly horrible. The extremely sloppy and unorganized,not to mention predictable, script involving a renegade named Turner's (Ice-T) work against the United States with the help of a foriegn employer and a Stealth Fighter, a burnt out military pilot whose home life comes apart in clcihed fashion, and a completely unrelated and laughable subplot about a stranded submarine which stands for absolutely nothing and has no relevance whatsoever with the story. This seperate time-filler leaves you feeling extremely manipulated, and ends in an irony that should cause some good laughs. I would recommend watching a scene with Ice-T for some bad writing matched equally with his funny performance. Turn the channel immediately after, I caution. The director Jim Wyrnuski (or whatever it is) worked with Fred Olen Ray on "Dinasour Island" then oddly fashioned his career after him (Olen Ray did a stealth movie at the same time). I will only say this, a Fred Olen Ray wannabe is the most pathetic label I have ever heard in my entire life.
Alex Brown Pick a bad script, pick a famous person to play in a film, and sit back and watch the money roll in.Yes, Hollywood is that cynical.Ice-T stars [if you can call it that] in a predictable and typical action film.Don't see it -- it's rubbish.