Stealing Home
Stealing Home
PG-13 | 26 August 1988 (USA)
Stealing Home Trailers

Billy Wyatt (Harmon), a former high school and minor-league baseball baseball player receives a telephone call from his mother revealing that his former child-sitter, and later in his teens, his first love, Katie Chandler (Foster), has died. Wyatt returns home to deal with this tragedy reminescing over his childhood growing up with his father, Katie and best friend Alan Appleby.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
pfisher-32275 Although this may not have won awards & may not appeal to the masses, it really is a wonderfully sentimental & nostalgic piece of cinema. The locations were well chosen & picturesque & the various musical scores from David Foster (of St Elmo's fame) during the emotional & poignant moments, enhance the movie no end. Foster & Harmon turn in engaging performances as the main leads & there's great comic support from Harold Ramis & Jonathan Silverman. I just can't help feeling that McNamara was miss cast as Harmon's younger self. I know we grow, change & mature but I just see no correlation between him & Harman in terms of looks, personality or persona. He looks very slightly awkward in some scenes, like he's winging it, maybe this is compounded by the fact he is opposite the great Jodie Foster. Overall a movie you can lose yourself in & perfect for a quiet relaxing evening or a lazy Sunday afternoon. If you liked Harmon in this & wanted something else from the same era you can try "Prince of Bel Air". It's good fun & lighter fare compared to this but still deals with some important issues & has a similar feel good factor (see if you can spot Swayze's brother).
little bird This movie for me is like a warm blanket. I have to watch it at least once a year. I stumbled across it when it was on late one night here in Oz & from the first few minutes I was hooked. It is just such a magical story. I LOVE, love, love everything about it, the actors, their characters, the first love, the relationships, the setting, the era, it's just wonderful. Not to mention the freaking AWESOME soundtrack. Billy's house & the summer house on the beach are the kind of homes everyone would love to grow up in, they are perfect places for childhood, adolescent & adult memories to be nurtured. 'Be my friend' watch this movie,it is inspiring. :)
Amsomnia Studios I have done many reviews, some of them I really want to update, and one of the movies that I haven't updated is this one. Believe me that is a strange thing, because this movie is properly my favorite movie of all time. So for a couple of minutes listen and think about it, I want to update this review so enjoy...Storyline - 10/10 - The story goes something like this, Billy Wyatt is a washed up baseball player that never really amounted to anything. His life is now centered on living with a cocktail waitress as he himself explains it. One day his mother call him to tell him that his old babysitter who was there for him in many years and as well as being one he loved has killed herself and at her favorite place. She also left a note telling that she wanted Billy to have the ashes since he was the only one who knew what to do with them. So at night he returns home to his birth place and lives with his mom for some days. At first he doesn't know what to do with the ashes and hands them to his mother who tells him he is the only who could know and they were left for him. The story then follows Billy recalling the past with a lot of flashbacks through the movie. Those flashbacks are then in the end the final answer to where the ashes should be placed. While he does all this he slowly becomes whole again and finds the passion for baseball...Actors - 10/10 - Both Jodie Foster and Mark Harmon play their roles perfectly, you really feel with them, and you feel like the story is really told to you. They both show the feelings they should and they really do almost feel real to the viewer the feelings are conveyed in a way not many can do these days. Apart from Jodie Foster and Mark Harmon the actor Jonathan Silverman should not be understated, his role as Alan Appleby is so spot on and even the old version played by Harold Ramis can't be understated. Of course Blair Brown and John Shea really do also steal away the story, they act so real like and it works all the way.Soundtrack - 10/10 - The soundtrack is comprised of many known songs through the years and of course they are all from that decade, but there are also some done by David Foster. David Foster's music cannot be understated, the theme of Stealing Home moves you in a way not many movies can, the other themes like Katie's Theme and Home Movies are also heartbreaking and heart restoring if you can say that. But nothing can really be done more right then the song for the Stealing Home theme "And When She Danced" it is properly one of the best romantic songs ever written for a movie and it is done right. Both David Foster and Marilyn Martin sings it and moves you the way it you should be moved.Special Effects - N/A - Well I guess there are some camera poses and such and different lighting but this movie isn't an action movie, there isn't any special effects so to speak of, and of course there really doesn't need to so there isn't much to say about this part of the review the lighting and the camera angles and poses are well directed so nothing bad there.Overall - 10/10 - Overall this movie is my favorite and one I recommend fondly, it really should be watched once. Now a day it can be a little rare but should you be lucky enough to see it on a store shelf and you haven't seen it before buy it. I promise you a good time, don't look at rating, and even though this is a review don't create your own idea of the movie through this. But at least try and watch it, if you don't like it that's fine, a review is only a point from another viewer every person's opinion will vary, but I think at least you should try...
flowoftheheart This movie is so underrated!!! Wow!I've seen this movie dozens of times and I never, ever get tired of it. I think the acting is superb, the story line well-thought out, even the 'chessy' 80's music is sure to 'turn on the waterworks' in certain scenes.The story is about Billy Wyatt, a recently retired minor league baseball player, who is pretty far from 'functional' at the start of the film. In the beginning of the movie, he receives a sudden phone call at the motel he's 'shacking up' in giving him the news...he is left with Katie Chandler's (his childhood baby sitter) ashes, as she had shot herself at SeaSmoke, her beachside cottage.This movie will make you laugh, cry, and feel!!The story is a balance of flashbacks of Billy remembering his dad and Katie and then the challenge of him trying to figure out what to do with Katie's ashes.It is such a beautiful film, I promise worth seeing!10/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Dream, dream, dream, when I want you in my arms, When I want you and all your charms; When I'm with you.... all I have to do is dream"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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