State Fair
State Fair
NR | 29 August 1945 (USA)
State Fair Trailers

During their annual visit to the Iowa State Fair, the Frake family enjoy many adventures. Proud patriarch Abel has high hopes for his champion swine Blueboy; and his wife Melissa enters the mincemeat and pickles contest...with hilarious results.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
kz917-1 Not quite as good as Oklahoma though.. But this movie definitely has some spellbinding numbers that gets everyone up and dancing.The last musical set in Iowa that I can recall was The Music Man. This one tries and entertains for the most part. Love and unrequited love abounds! There have been various versions with different casts as well. I am interested to see some of those!
dimplet I've seen this musical several times before and enjoyed it well enough, but it never really impressed me. Until this time. I put on the 1962 version, watched about 10 minutes, and decided to switch to the 1945 original. Within five minutes it had introduced the theme and had me hooked, and by 10 minutes it had me laughing at some of the same scenes that left me cold with the remake.While I am a great fan of Rodgers & Hammerstein, I hadn't paid much attention to State Fair before. I had always considered Oklahoma! the beginning, and it is, as far as Broadway goes with a debut of 1943, but the film didn't come out until 1955. Rodgers & Hammerstein wrote mostly musicals with an edgy social commentary and included some tears, which are missing from State Fair, which looks weak by comparison. When viewed as their first film, and second musical, the perspective changes. And I'm not so often in the mood for an emotionally stressful musical. State Fair is Rodgers & Hammerstein's most cheerful musical, and their only light comedy, though there is some comedy in all their works. I think in the old broadcast TV rerun movie days, we took this genre for granted, and when I saw State Fair, I basically said, nice movie, and promptly forgot about it. Now I appreciate how delicately and effectively the director Walter Lang worked in the comedy, as well as developed the heart-warming romantic subplots, which modern movies so often flub. I really laughed and chuckled at many scenes, especially the pickle contest tasting, and I genuinely cared about the characters. All the acting was on the mark, even the minor parts, and every scene generated the appropriate emotion, without feeling manipulated. You have to remember when this was made, near the end of WWII, and when it was released, Aug. 30, 1945, shortly after the surrender of Japan. With such timing, Americans must have rejoiced at the return to normalcy State Fair embodied. An edgy, violent musical like Oklahoma! would been wrong for the time. I was just re-watching the Harvey Girls, which came out in January 1946, and it, too, was a light Americana musical. What you see in these two is the birth of the modern film musical, with singing and dancing and a strong plot, but without the crutch of having the leading actors play professional musicians or dancers, as in the 1930s Astaire musicals. The Wizard of Oz in 1939 was actually ahead of these two movie musicals, though it was aimed at children. There is a tip of the hat in State Fair to an even earlier musical, also for children, Disney's enormously successful, but enormously risky, Snow White, the first full-length color animated movie in 1937. Listen to the orchestration and style of the music as Mrs. Frake prepares the mincemeat in the kitchen, particularly as she is grating something -- it matches the style as Snow White is cleaning the kitchen of the seven dwarfs. Their song My State Fair even seems similar to the chords and pace of Disney's Whistle While You Work. I bet audiences in 1945 caught the reference. I guess Rodgers and Hammerstein are giving credit to Snow White as a great musical, and the first to so fully integrate music and plot, as well as including some edgy conflict from the evil queen, perhaps influencing their own approach. The orchestration style reappears briefly near the end of the movie. When I finished watching State Fair, I felt good. This is one of a handful of films that I think you can count on to cheer you up if you are feeling bad, including Princess Bride and Dave. I came away with a new appreciation for the craftsmanship of director Walter Lang, whose credits include The King and I, and No Business Like Show Business.I was also surprised to find that the same Vivian Blaine who plays Emily Edwards also played Miss Adelaide in Guys and Dolls in 1955. Now that's acting. As a footnote, the philosophizing by Dave Miller was a reference to Ralph Waldo Emerson's great essay, Compensation. This is the underlying theme of the story, and the bet establishes a certain tension that carries through the film. But we see that bad does not have to balance good, if we choose happiness. With its focus on bringing a pig to the state fair, this is an obvious companion to Charlotte's Web; another is Friendly Persuasion. All are fine family movies. I think it is safe to say the original is the best. But this is not to put down the 1962 remake. Actually, I think it would be a fine thing to remake State Fair every couple of decades, setting the story in a new generation. State fairs are in at least their third century now. The fundamentals haven't changed much. I think this is a tradition Rodgers & Hammerstein would have approved.
TheLittleSongbird This is not the best Rodgers and Hammerstein movie musical, however State Fair is still a truly lovely film. The plot is rather fluffy and lacklustre, but the characters are charming and the R&H tunes while not among their best are still wonderful. State Fair looks beautiful, with the photography lavish and Crain especially looking absolutely stunning in her costumes. The film is lovingly directed, has a corny but appealing script and it moves sprightly too. Nothing to complain about the performances either, Jeanne Crain is breathtaking and Dana Andrews is a more than dashing and competent leading man. As much as I loved Harry Morgan, Dick Haymes and Vivian Blaine, my favourite support performance is Charles Winninger who steals every scene he's in. Overall, a lovely movie and well worth watching. 9/10 Bethany Cox
froberts73 I've lost track of how often I've seen this beautiful, corny gem but the last time won't be the last time."State Fair" has none of the complexities of most of R and H's work, but it still has excellent songs and lovable characters. Where to start? First of all, Dick Haymes was one of the best singers of his era. (His brother, Bob, made a few records, for Decca, I believe under the name of Hayme and eggs. Oh well).Back to the matter at hand. Jeanne Crain was a) beautiful b) gorgeous. She makes most of todays actresses look like mud. Vivian Blaine is lovely and talented, never getting the Hollywood recognition she deserved. Dana Andrews, who graces every third 20th Century Fox picture, proves charming and winning. The characters are unbeatable - Fay Bainter, Charles Winninger, Harry Morgan, Donald Meek, and Frank McHugh as a lovable songplugger (a contradiction in terms).The hog hogged its scenes (I had to say that). Nowadays, he would probably have lines rather than settling for snorting.One word that comes to mind about this movie is charming. I lived in Iowa for several years, but never made it to the state fair. The movie was second best.It is state great not just state fair.P.S. I loved the scene where Andrews, a reporter who doesn't take too many notes, comes to the end of a roller coaster ride and, when told to get off, flashes a press pass. My wife said something like how unethical. I've been a reporter for a major newspaper for 30 years (still writing free-lance) and I had to remind her of nice, free days we enjoyed at a major theme park whenever a new attraction was announced).