| 08 November 2004 (USA)
Starkweather Trailers

In 1958 Nebraska, 19 year old garbageman Charles Starkweather goes on a murder spree with his 14 year old girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate. They kill 11 people in three months, introducing America to spree killing.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Wordiezett So much average
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Paul Magne Haakonsen As much as I enjoy movies based on real killers and psychopaths, then "Starkweather" just never managed to impress in any way. And to be bluntly honest, then it was an unfathomably boring movie.The story started out at a slow, monotone pace and never really got up into a pace where it became enjoyable or interesting.As for the acting, well it wasn't particularly impressive. However, it was not the fault of the actors and actresses, it was because they had absolutely nothing to work with from the script and director Byron Werner. And not even Lance Henriksen could manage to salvage this train wreck.With a slow paced storyline, a movie about serial killers should at least have some interesting things to offer in the macabre. But even here "Starkweather" didn't deliver. There was just no feeling to the movie that you were dealing with an actual serial killer.If you enjoy movies about serial killers, stay well clear of "Starkweather" because there are far better movies available.
lastliberal I have seen some bad movies before, but this takes the cake. 90 minutes of my life wasted - gone forever- down the drain. What I thought might be an interesting story about a serial killer was so bad that it was painful to watch.Shannon Lucio (from the OC) and Brent Taylor gave totally uninspiring performances that appeared devoid of feeling. What little dialog they had was useless. This film could have been made as a silent and it would't have mattered.I should have know something was going to be wrong when the two met in December and he is getting yelled at in January for getting her pregnant. "She's as big as a house," yes her father. I kid you not.Finally, the chase scene at the end was absolutely the worst I have ever seen. I could have beat them on a bicycle. He was going so slow that even though he had the window down, he was able to light one of his Strikes. Starkweather kept trying to pass on the right when there was no oncoming traffic! I want my 90 minutes back!
bluetone-1 Awful, awful, awful. Brent Taylor as Starkweather is passable, barely, as is Shannon Lucio. I'd give either another watch in something else - for a second chance. But here they're stuck in a formulaic, unimaginative script that seems terribly impressed with itself and its import. Worse, one senses the director cackling as he imagines how stunned we'll be seeing the murderous pair casually watch television, oblivious to blood still splattered (oh-so-artfully) across their faces. Excerpts from an episode of "Ozzie and Harriett" play in the BG as Caril-Ann's family is slaughtered. Goodness, how ironic! I note that actor Jerry Kroll's very few credits are also among those listed for Dir. Byron Werner. (Kroll was the sheriff.) Given Kroll's performance here, one has to assume Werner sees something in him that NO ONE else can.This film is packed with many more eye-rolling moments like those described above, and some truly appalling performances. Sheriff Karnopp and his partner - Al Sepianza - are especially dreadful; wooden, self-aware and thoroughly unconvincing. (Sepianza, a reliable, workman-like actor, seems to be performing for a film other than the one we're seeing. I just can't figure out if he's awful, if he's horribly miscast, or if he was terribly misled by the so-called director.) I gather Starkweather was shot with Acton, CA. and Palmdale, CA. passing for Nebraska and Wyoming. But I honestly thought the embarrassing performances unintentionally gave (desperately needed) credibility to the locale. That is, one had no trouble imagining they were shooting in the hinterlands of Nebraska, and so hired every last local community theater player to appear in major roles. The Governor, the "rich lady" and her maid, the happy, sweet couple, the patrolman coming upon the killers on the highway, Sheriff Karnopp and the deputy...and on, and on, and on.For a quick example of the hideous editing and directing, catch the patrolman radioing information in as he spots Starkweather wrestling a prospective victim - eventually PASSING the pair wrestling over a gun, and the subsequent "chase" scene (The deputy seems to "rack" his shotgun two or three times before every ridiculous shot).Even the wardrobe wanders from merely pedestrian to truly ridiculous. Witness the sheriff's ludicrous outfits throughout, and the "rich ladies" absurd housecoat and head wrap. The clothes put me in mind of the "it's best we can do" scrounging of college kids producing a short film... kids who are actually in the college's veterinary program.I rank the movie a TWO only because I save ONEs for movies that are this bad AND include (intentional) scatological elements. Starkweather rated R, and that should be R for "It's just Rful."
minnman When the highlight of any movie are the credits you know that you have just seen a bomb. This one is a rotten bomb. I doubt that more than $95 was spent on this embarrassment. Cheap scenes, misinformation and more. Phew!Once in a while an error will show up in any movie regarding location or cars but in this case the entire movie was an error.While the facts behind the crimes might have been from the so called police blotters everything else was totally bogus. The description of the cars were far off. There was a scene supposedly in Nebraska on some interstate highway that looked like it was shot on some obscure county road. Moreover if you have been in the Omaha-Lincoln area you don't see a whole lot of mountains either.I could go on and on with how bad this movie was. But I think the message is there.The acting varied from bad to awful. It added to the fact that there was absolutely no redeeming factor to this effort.You saw all the blood and guts which probably was the high (or should I say "low') point of the movie.I seem to recall that Starkweather was caught in California but that's not even important here. What is important is that if there is another book with the 50 worst movies "Starkweather" should certainly be in the top ten.This is a "must miss" on anyone's list.