Star Wars: Revelations
Star Wars: Revelations
| 19 April 2005 (USA)
Star Wars: Revelations Trailers

The last Jedi fight to survive when they are hunted by the Empire. Taking place between Episodes III and Episode IV.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
cychanaa this is not about the universe and star war battle topic.The actor have poor performance ,poor special effect and poor plots. You cannot warm to any characters in the film, the Emperor looks like he's piled on the pounds after taking over the galaxy, and glued some green weetabix to his eyebrows in his megalomaniac rage. Taryn Anwar's characters about as believable as Jar Jar Bink's becoming an intellectual and winning some sort of Nobel prize in literature "mesa do door door on your head!" Declan looks like he should run a video store on Alderan, knowing off heart all the movies in store of by heart, and have the universes largest collection of Gungan comic books. Cade apart from looking like a failed porn-star could out-scowl the most miffed of people. And finally, Zhanna's got some scary chin issues. Even though its free, its still a waste of 50 minutes of your life, So save your bandwidth and avoid this fanfic. If curiosity is still getting better of you, watch the first 5 minutes and you'll know what I'm talking about
Stitchy123 I, and others, have found the 4.3gb download to be pixelated(dark?) seemingly through poor transfer. It is hard to review an inaccurate representation of a film and due to this I won't comment on the CGI or photography.The sound design and mix seemed poor. It was hard to hear all dialogue over certain sfx/EQ. Eventually I chose to a lower volume with subtitles.The casting would have benefited from a greater talent pool of committed people who have lived and breathed acting for some time.All the actors would have benefited from hard suzuki/kabuki based physical theatre as well as Stage Combat courses. Zhanna (ie, evil goth girl) is often searching lines that either aren't learnt, or aren't 'strong within her'.My favourite lead performance was that of Cade (who is also the director/editor/prod. manager and I suppose casting). He seemed the most committed to the moment. It's a pity he couldn't translate this into others. Lead girl 'Tanya' doesn't deliver the opening dialogue and her later choices aren't much better or convincing.It's a great shame seeing under-trained or uncommitted actors in a production like this.. which many actors would love to be in. However in this case lack of direction and rehearsal (especially fight scenes) is also to blame. A dedicated performance director (who is not acting/editing etc) would have been a plus.Watch it all though, it does kinda grow on you, there are some gems to be seen once you get over(or used to) some of the issues.
rkimble-1 Since I don't believe it is possible or fair to consider this film without at least an introduction to the Fan Film Universe, I decided to visit the many Fan Films sites and view as many of the hundreds of fan films as was bearable. In the surprisingly large catalog of this genre, Star Wars Revelations is among the best. One has to cite what most others already have: good costumes, good CG, good sets, a decent core plot idea (unless you are a canonical Star Wars fan) and a very good score by Chris Bouchard. Bouchard uses a few of the standard Star Wars pieces as jumping off points to some fine musical work of his own that nicely weaves known themes throughout in addition to adding excellent new character leitmotifs. One of the things overlooked in some of the other comments is that the director did quite a decent job staging shots, especially in staging the crowd scenes, which is unusual in the Fan Film World, though the fight scenes near the end are weak and the pacing was slow. I do have to agree that the acting is the weak point, but I think one has to be at least a bit forgiving of that, due to this being a production done gratis by a group of Star Wars fans, likely acting in front of a green screen for the first time in their lives. Take a look at Gwyneth Paltrow attempting to act in front of an effects screen in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" to see how difficult or impossible that can be, even for seasoned performers. Far from being a good movie, one should still consider this a good fan film and applaud all involved for their effort. I would also encourage people to view some of the other fan films out there. As has been noted already, there are some very good ones available (look for "Grayson" as one example).
Sam Sounded interesting, plausible idea, but sadly lacked any merit of an actual Star Wars 'fill in'. You can clearly see that a bunch of star wars conventionists have joined forces to create this farcical 50 minute long drivel. The only thing it has going for it is the CGI, which is on par with the sort of CGI you would expect to see in a PC game dialogue, between levels. The acting is the worst I've seen on the small screen, throw in a few wooden chairs and the film wouldn't have suffered in the least. It was as if the main characters were reading off the Biro marks on the back of their hands with emoticons telling them what sort of expression to pull "Thats. the. bounty. on. my. head. trippled" *Grimmace* Its like a porn style acting but without the porn.. although Cade looks like he should be in one.You cannot warm to any characters in the film, the Emperor looks like he's piled on the pounds after taking over the galaxy, and glued some green weetabix to his eyebrows in his megalomaniac rage. Taryn Anwar's characters about as believable as Jar Jar Bink's becoming an intellectual and winning some sort of Nobel prize in literature "mesa do doo doo on your head!" Declan looks like he should run a video store on Alderan, knowing off heart all the movies in store of by heart, and have the universes largest collection of Gungan comic books. Cade apart from looking like a failed porn-star could out-scowl the most miffed of people. And finally, Zhanna's got some scary chin issues. Even though its free, its still a waste of 50 minutes of your life, So save your bandwidth and avoid this fanfic. If curiosity is still getting the better of you, watch the first 5 minutes and you'll know what I'm talking about.