R | 28 February 2014 (USA)
Stalingrad Trailers

A band of determined Russian soldiers fight to hold a strategic building in their devastated city against a ruthless German army, and in the process become deeply connected to a Russian woman who has been living there.

TinsHeadline Touches You
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
rdolphijn As Russia has nothing to be proud of, they opened a can withfictional heroes, who are bullet, flame and steel resistant.
Alex Rosenkrantz I have no idea what all these whiny little reviewers have a problem with. Pretty much all of them say, "its not what I was expecting". Who cares what you were expecting!!! It was an amazing movie. Well done, good acting, great story, good action, entertaining, surprisingly good script. I think all the little whiny babies need to move out of their mothers basement and get a freaking life. I'm so glad I didn't follow the reviews and instead followed my instinct based on the trailer. I really loved the movie and will recommend it to others.
kevin_tole Awful. If you want to watch a film about the battle of Stalingrad watch the 1993 German film of the same name or even Enemy at the Gates. This Filmed seemed to pay no attention to the history at all. The whole movie practically takes place in one building. You get little glimpse of the scope of the battle. The film seems more of Stalinist propaganda film from the Cold War. An honest telling of what happened in the battle of Stalingrad, This is not. do yourself a favour and don't give yourself the torture of sitting through this train wreck. They're are much more deserving films on this subject you will enjoy much more. A few are Enemy at the gates, Stalingrad 1993 or even Stalingrad Dogs do you want live forever.
gordonl56 STALINGRAD 2013This 2013 Russian production is an absolutely stunning looking war film. Having said that, it is a shame that the lack of a real story robs the potential this had to be a first rate war film. Anyone expecting a film on the Battle of Stalingrad had best be ready to be disappointed.The film trots out a tale of a group of Soviet soldiers, sailors etc holding a large house near the Volga in Stalingrad. They are outnumbered and out gunned by the Nazi bunch all around them. The script plays out like one of the Soviet era war films from 1960's. All the standard Soviet types that populated those films are present. There are all the same political "fighting for the motherland" type drivel that just serves to slow the action.While the cgi effects and battle parts are really quite well done, the lack of a real story, bring the non-battle scenes to a rather boring slow walk. The Soviets are all hero types, while the Germans are all perfect Nazi swine.A real missed opportunity to make a classic film on one of the great battles of WW2, A shame.