| 01 April 1997 (USA)
Stag Trailers

An accidental death at a bachelor party spurs a night of shooting, kidnapping and murder in the host's home.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
crystalart I like both of these films! They're probably a 'genre', although I don't know any other "stag party disaster" films.I have to say, I also saw a little bit of 'Shallow Grave', especially in 'Very Bad Things' where it was necessary to dissect and dispose of all those inconvenient bodies.Hello 'Goodfellas'.Certainly not for everyone...but you know who you are.Take time to watch both. I don't think you'll be disappointed with either of them.Kevin McCarthy and Christian Slater are the bad guys. Good choice and they do a good job.
ArtfulLodger Well that's 90 minutes of my life I'll never see again...the idea was fine, cheap to shoot, could have covered some real ground, but in the end took the easy route through every choice it had to make.When the strippers were doing their stripping, right upto the pallid sex scene, I was convinced one of them was a transvestite! I see now it was the lighting, and stronger physique of the actress combined with awkward-looking boobs, but by golly it would have made such a better film if it had been. If you can bear watching it again, see if I'm right, then if it would have been a worse film for it...Scores 3 for the fact the production was so economically planned...I have to wonder if they shot this in less than a week, single location, etc. Must have been cheap as chips. It'll have made it's money back many times over above a big expensive blockbuster! :-)
DM50 This film is poorly executed, and has a very B-grade plot. With practically all of the movie being shot in the one location, this becomes even more noticable. There are a lot of actors whose respective careers are in the gutter, and their performances don't do anything to help their causes (eg: Andrew McCartney, Kevin Dillon, Mario Van Peebles, Taylor Dayne etc). How John Henson can criticise and mock people each week on Talk Soup after his role and performance in this movie is beyond me. Aside from all this, I did watch the whole made-for-video movie, and there were some interesting moments. However, the ending is most unsatisfactory, and I'd only recommend watching this if it's on TV late at night (up against infomercials) - like I did.
Kitkat-4 This film was great. If you've ever been to a bachelor party or heard stories about bachelor parties, this movie is for you. I'm a married woman and have heard scores of stag party anecdotes, both funny and lewd. This movie shows what can happen to perfectly normal, decent, middle to upper-middle class guys when things go terribly wrong and spiral out of control. As the movie progressed I just kept thinking: "I KNOW these guys, this could happen to people I KNOW." Basically, it shows how bad things happen to average, normal people and how we all have a dark side that can come out when pushed to the wall. Watch this movie, with an honest, open mind, and see if there's someone you know up on screen. By the way, is it just me or is the new movie Very Bad Things a rip-off of this one? I've only seen the trailers, but it looks like the same movie. We'll see...