| 13 May 2004 (USA)
Spivs Trailers

Jack, Steve and Goat are East-End Spivs. They spend their time wheeling and dealing wherever and whenever they can. It's not until Jack and the others get involved with a guy called Villa, and they are landed with a big payday they have been waiting for, when they realise what a mess they are into. At the back of the lorry they have smuggled goods in, they find illegal immigrants. Most of them escape but they are left with 2 kids; a boy and a girl, and have to decide what to do with them... Are they going to look after them and feed them, clothe them, love them, etc. or are they going to leave them on the streets of East-End London?

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
rowmorg This film breaks Rule One: the audience MUST care about the characters. Nobody introduces us to the puppets, we don't know who they are, what makes them tick, where they're coming from, where they want to go, NOTHING. The director simply throws them into action and expects us to worry about what happens next and to be bothered enough to listen to their very badly spoken lines. (Each line in a picture like this costs on average about UKP2,000, so every time one of these second-raters tosses off a line we can't quite catch they are burning 20 big ones for the producer. Nice going, fellas!) The producer of this half-baked turkey should be talking to one of the decent script development shops in London next time. They'll run him through the ABC of movies and how to make them work. Then, at least he won't make another stinker to add to the incredibly long list of indescribable stinkers the UK so-called "movie industry" has turned out over the last few years. Don't waste five minutes of your life viewing this badly conceived, poorly executed effort at entertainment. Read a book instead.
marysia This wasn't at all what I expected. I was expecting something along the lines of Snatch and instead got a reasonably thoughtful story about a middle aged man realising he has wasted the majority of his life on cheap con tricks. I went to see this for Dominic Monaghan and let's be honest, Dom is barely in this and his character is, though entertaining and sweet, largely irrelevant to the film. In fact one of his scenes is so irrelevant you suspect it of having been inserted merely to up his screen time.I didn't actually enjoy the film all that much, not because it was bad but I think because I could find no handle with which to identify with the three main characters. They lived lives I would never live, behaving in ways I would never consider, and the lead character (Ken Stott) more so than the others. There were a few moments when you felt emotion for him, but for me the whole thing was just too far from my sphere of experience. I am not a con man, I could never be a con man and have no desire to be one. I don't understand the mindset. Dom's character is actually easier to empathise with, for me anyway, and not just cause I can feel some sort of connection for any character played by Dom cause the connection already exists. He's a simple minded lad who doesn't think much about what he's doing, he drifts through his life in a cloud of cannabis smoke and that's enough for him, he's the pettiest of criminals, not out to hurt anyone in particular and not looking for the big time. He comes across as a sweet if slightly deluded guy, not the best influence in the world but not the worst either. He does add a nice lightness and goofiness to scenes that might have been a bit heavy otherwise. I would have liked to see more of him but there wasn't room for him in this script which settled down into a psychological drama with gangster side salad.The film was good, but not great. It lacked connection and I can't take all the blame for that, a truly great film can make you connect with it's characters no matter how far they stray from yourself. Perhaps it was too tight lipped, you could never quite see deep enough into the characters to touch what was implied.
kurtj-1 What a positiv surprise this was !Another brit-film with humor, depth and action ! Ken Stott is brilliant and the younger crew is not bad either ! Paul Kaye has a smaller part but is very good ! Jack Dee's first apperance on the big screen...and not last, I am sure. He could probably been used more in this film ? Normally I am not to keen on "children plots " but this was well balanced and the kids was good, not overacting as is so common. Nick Moran is well established in brittish gansterfilms and this is another strong performance. Kate Ashfield is "foxy" and helps the overall strengths of the film. Linda Bassett as Auntie Vee is very solid.Overall : very good !!!
JWAFrance I was fortunate enough to see the film before it was on general release. It is a really great movie. Strong but understated, humorous yet tragic - typically Brit. Works well on the big screen and will work well on DVD too.