R | 24 January 1995 (USA)
Spitfire Trailers

A sultry assassin is the target of two separate operatives in this globe-trotting action flick shot on location in the Bahamas, Athens, Rome and Hong Kong.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
khaosjr This movie would make a great double-feature with "Gymkata." Indeed, there are so many similarities between both films, I wonder if "Spitfire" was intended as a sequel. Could be...In "Gymkata," gorgeous Kurt Thomas played a champion gymnast recruited by the U.S. Government as a Double 0-type agent; he flick-flaked and fought his way through a fictional European country, where he tripped over his missing-and-presumed-dead father. In "Spitfire," gorgeous Kristie Phillips plays a champion gymnast who becomes a Double 0-type agent by accident; she flick-flaks and fights her way through several non-fictional countries, where she keeps tripping over numerous half-brothers and half-sisters (all secret-service types in their own right) she never knew she had. If only "Spitfire" had done more along the lines of this charming homage to James Bond! Unfortunately, the nifty martial-arts sequences are negated by too many likable characters getting killed off. Even worse, poor Kristie is repeatedly upstaged by morally slack super-spy Lance Henriksen and obnoxious sports-reporter Tim Thomerson...even though she packs more charisma than the two of them put together! Nevertheless, Phillips makes for a sensational gymnast/martial artist AND a pretty good actress...oh, and she looks great in a leotard to boot. Too bad the script doesn't do nearly as much for her as she does for it! That is, unless you count seeing her dodge bullets. (Where was she when they cast "The Matrix"!?) Of course, they DO leave the door open for a sequel; better luck next time, Kristie...
myxedup Lance Henriksen got paid something to appear in this. I hope it was a lot.Former US National Champion gymnast, Kristie Phillips starts as Charlie Case, a gymnast-turn-secret-agent (because it's very common that munchkin gymnasts become government spies...)There's a truly hysterical opening scene where Charlie's uneven bars routine is sabotaged by an eastern-bloc competitor. What follows is one of the most ridiculous stunt scenes I've ever witnessed....and they want you to take it seriously! Don't worry...she sticks her dismount.Everything after that is just a messy, dreck of a spy movie. Watch the first fifteen minutes for the campy-gymnastics stuff, then run for cover.
Cubfan-2 The acting in this action movie was minimal, the action perfunctory, but gymnast Kristie Phillips is very easy on the eyes and spends much of the film in a bikini or shorts. Plus she kicks a lot of butt. Combine that with the cheesy dialogue, and it's a harmless way of passing a Sunday afternoon.
chrnaess This movie which stars a fine Kristie Philips is fine and very entertaining. Especially those scenes concerning gymnastics. The movie has a lot of chases, but not the ordinary ones, these have a comedy look to it and this makes it entertaining to watch and enjoy.Kristie Philips is extremely fine on screen.