| 01 November 1990 (USA)
Spirits Trailers

A priest, trying to regain his standing in the church after "falling" and sleeping with a woman, teams with a group of ESP experts to investigate a haunted house. It doesn't help that one of the experts is a beautiful young woman.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
udar55 University psychology professor Dr. Richard Wicks (Robert Quarry) plans a weekend research experiment at the allegedly haunted Heron house, where a series of grisly murders took place 10 years earlier. Also along for the ride are fellow psychologist Beth (Kathrin Lautner), historian Harry (Oliver Darrow) and psychic Amy (Brinke Stevens). The house was built by Satanist Henri Picard and, of course, people start seeing things and get possessed. Also lurking around is Father Anthony Vicci (Erik Estrada), who has a connection to the events 10 years ago and is being haunted by it. I revisited this low budget shocker recently and still enjoyed it. Ray rarely did straight horror flicks when he started getting his groove on and this proves he should have done more of them. Yes, it is cheap and plunders from LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE, THE HAUNTING and THE EXORCIST, but Ray knows how to properly work in great exploitation material. Seriously, where else are you going to see Erik Estrada recoil in fear at the sexual advances of a nude nun (an uncredited Michelle Bauer) wearing only her habit? Surprisingly, Ray lets Brinke keep her clothes on and just lets her act. The location is that same big white house you've seen a dozen times in stuff like SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II. There is also some pretty good make-up effects from Optic Nerve. Carol Lynley has a couple of scenes as Sister Jillian. Father Merrin gets a "thanks" in the end credits.
danthewrestlingmanorigin I have enjoyed similar B movies like Evil Toons, because they are just silly fun, with a little T and A, and cheesy, but cool fx to laugh at. Spirits takes itself seriously for the most part, and it just doesn't have the script to pull it off. And what I always have to nail a film like this on is the lack of nudity, only one brief breast shot from what I remember.The story is just a mish mash of better films, and the gore and makeup effects don't come in until towards the end, and they are just average at best. By the time they came I already lost interest. Sorry to say it doesn't deliver the goodies, so I'd skip it, unless you collect everything like myself, and are a scream queen completist.
capkronos Four researchers (ghost hunter Robert Quarry, psychic Brinke Stevens, skeptical Kathrin Lautner and Oliver Darrow) decide to investigate a supposedly haunted house with a history of murders that may have been committed by former mass murderer/rapist Andre Picard. A demon/ghost eventually possess them one by one, causing such things as Brinke driving a nail through her hand and Darrow having a sex dream with a redheaded succubus (played by Kaitlin Hopkins, the daughter of Shirley Knight). Carol Lynley is wasted as a nun and Erik Estrada is awful as a doubting priest who comes to the rescue a la THE EXORCIST.The completely contrived plot is made damn near unbearable by the lack of gore, interesting characters, credible dialogue or anything else to make it worth watching. The demon/possession make-up is alright, but wasted, as is the great John Vulich/Everett Burrell designed demon creature at the end. Michelle Bauer however does liven things up a bit as a naked demon who strips out of her nun costume and tries to seduce Estrada by reminding him, "You knew your way around a p@$$y pretty good for a priest!" Look for a very obvious boom shadow on Brinke's face during the kitchen scene.Score: 2 out of 10
GrbgFAN This movie was somewhat entertaining. There's more bits and pieces of many different plot ideas instead of one basic plot. I was a little offended that there was so much female nudity in this movie. I think it was sexist, and made mainly for men, which isn't right. The worst thing about this movie was the poor acting. The characters barely showed any emotion, and when they did, it was brief. Even though the movie was mildly entertaining, it never got you really interested. This movie deserves a 2 on a scale of 1-10.