Spike Island
Spike Island
| 13 October 2013 (USA)
Spike Island Trailers

Teenage musicians travel to England's Spike Island in the hope of attending an outdoor performance by their favorite band, the Stone Roses.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Executscan Expected more
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Lewis Stocks Great story to keep me interested. Hoping there was going to be cameos by The Stone Roses but none the less still a great film. The story of 4 guys wanting to start a band always sounds cliché. "Maybe if we start a band we can be big and tour the world!" Not exactly like this here. They just pure and simply want to give there demo to Ian Brown which is somewhat unrealistic in my opinion but you know what? It's different. No one else thinks to do this with a plot line. It is a change. Whether it's language, accent, scenery etc. I just got really interested on every characters development. Knowing they can do better than what they are already doing. Working with the sources they have to build up a sense of what recording music and producing music is like. I give this a solid 10 for that!
Sarah Kenny As a British person, I felt a personal connection to this film - trust me, it got everything spot on! I liked this film a lot - it was your typical film bout a group of friends going on an adventure (Think Stand By Me if the characters were older and a lot more obsessed with girls and pop rock bands). It was fun, there were lot of laughs. But it was also more than that. It dealt with a lot of issues, subtly at least. The emphasis was on the music, but the underlying angst was there. I can't exactly put my finger on why I enjoyed this movie so much, but there it is: I liked it. Definitely worth a watch, and, of course, a listen to that soundtrack.
sophiedeanna I never usually write reviews, but I really think this movie needs more credit! I grew up in the 90s and this movie sums it up perfectly! From getting drunk with your friends and trying to get into places with no back up plan, whilst underage, to having a laugh with your friends whilst dealing with issues at home! There were serious elements to the film, whilst being really lightheaded and it left me feeling really happy and craving a adventure! I thought the film was shot really well, and acted brilliantly! Overall just a all round awesome film, with an EPIC soundtrack...
cinematic_aficionado The joy of being a carefree youth. This story focuses on four trouble making (according to some anyway) youngsters in Manchester and how they look forward to going to the gig of their favourite band, where it would be a highlight for all their lives. On top of that as they aspire to form a band themselves they even dare to dream giving a demo tape to their favourite band.Everything builds up to the day the gig is set to take place. My favourite moment was when the father of the four was dying in hospital and yet told his son not to be held back by his condition. They try hard, they put everything aside, they ignore all the barriers.The day finally arrives and with a myriad of obstacles, they somehow made it to the venue but turns out the promise for tickets/places did not come to fruition. Yet, they did not seem to care as they had a ball just outside the venue and it was the night of their lives which is the one thing that mattered.Quirky, witty and great fun to watch.
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