Spider's Web
Spider's Web
| 12 November 2002 (USA)
Spider's Web Trailers

A wily businessman plots with a sultry executive to swindle $40 million from his father. But who is conning who?

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Rpgcatech Disapointment
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
movieole a story of betrayal featuring baldwin and wuhrer scheming and trumping each other to steal his father's money. filmmakers seem to have made the most of a modest budget. considering limitations of script, star performances are excellent and overall look and pace of film is first rate. too bad the material wasn't better. as is, it's a nice diversion for 90 minutes, with a distinctive european look and feel.
bbbl67 I think they tried to make this another sort of Wild Things. You know, lots of double-crossing and triple-crossing, etc. However Wild Things was a fun ride all the way through, this one isn't.I noticed that both Kari Wuhrer and Stephen Baldwin were not only the stars of the movie, but they were co-executive producers. I wonder if these two stars just wanted an excuse to make a movie where they could be naked together? I can't see any other purpose for this film.
wayte_david The movie was slow to develop if it actually ever did. I have seen better plots on cable soft porn movies. If you are into that sort of thing then this movie is for you. Don't waste your time just+6 take a nap.
George Parker "Spider's Web" tells a convoluted tale of deceit, murder, and other treachery with a woman exec (Wuhrer) who falls in love with the son (Baldwin) of the wealthy tycoon for whom she works and the sets about to embezzle $40 mil and abscond with the son...blaa, blaa. At issues is; who's scamming who? The film plays out like a paperback crime novel on film trading character depth and a solid story for some cheap sex and a showy veneer. Mediocre stuff best saved for cable which may be of some interest to fans of the principals or couch potatoes who can overlook the countless plotholes. (C)