| 22 April 2004 (USA)
Soundless Trailers

Viktor, a methodical hit man, probably on his last job, has no plan for his retirement. He does not kill Nina, a woman sleeping beside his latest mark; then he follows her and rescues her from an attempted suicide. Nina is attracted to him, but also wants to know who he is. Her pursuit of his identity crosses the investigation of Lang, a brilliant police investigator who tries to inhabit the minds of the victims and the killer. Viktor's employer also wants to kill Viktor and his contact, an aging arms dealer and family friend. Does Viktor have a future?

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
TdSmth5 This is an excellent thriller/action movie. A professional hit-man becomes interested in the partner of his latest victim, who was under careful surveillance. In a way she's also a witness because he left her alive and she could have noticed something. She turns out to be distraught and he saves her. Being reluctant to engage in a relationship he appears and disappears in her life. Meanwhile a smart detective is after him noticing that this killer is characterized by his soundlessness.I see a lot of resemblances with the movie Heat: you have the proficient and likable bad guy, an equality outstanding cop on his trail, the bad guy who is all business falls in love but is not capable of expressing it, and in the shadows is someone else controlling the bad guy. This movie though has a more satisfying ending.This movie is intelligent, quiet, the characters also act by instinct not so much as by procedure (as in TV CSIs). It doesn't rely on loud special effects. But is thrilling when you see the bad guy act out his carefully planned hits.My only problem is with the casting. The hit-man is indeed cast against type. The problem is that he just doesn't have the physical constitution for the job. Also it seems that at some point, the movie makers forgot about the cop. He's supposed to be the hit-man's counterpart but in the later part of the movie he gets less interesting.A highly recommended film.
Ed Cohen The action film, like the crime novel, is a satisfying ritual—with an allegory of good overcoming evil as its centerpiece—for many people. In the USA, this is normally done with famous stars and elaborate stunts, the better to make it "realistic" and "believable." I pass on most of those films because they seem silly to me. I cannot "buy" their pretensions to believability."Soundless" makes no pretense of believability. This film sustains a stylized, dreamlike quality throughout. The story is carried by the images. The dialog is banal because it is incidental. (That is in keeping, and does not detract from the film for me.) I found it thoroughly refreshing to spend ninety-four minutes in that dream, at the Philadelphia Film Festival.This year, I have seen a veritable treasure trove of new German films that took themes seen before, and took them in new directions in keeping with changed times. While a wide theater release for "Soundless" may be too much to hope for, I hope it will be available for people in the USA desiring to see it.
helblazr Coming totally left-field in the German movie landscape, this movie takes the clichés of the genre and twists them around and brings a fresh new perspective. It is like a breathe of fresh air that rekindles the dying embers of this style of movies. The images are crisp and clean, with interesting shots, which break the mold that this convoluted genre at times shows. It must be said that the music in this movie is not just background static, as it is in most motion pictures. Quite the contrary, it adds a layer of psychological depth to the characters, as if the acting weren't enough. All in all, it is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final denouement. I'm looking forward to more of this director!
nemonidas For everybody, who likes the shiny American action film, this truly might be a bit different. What I like especially about this "german action movie" is, that everything has a kind of normal color and sound. Nothing is overdone, overcoloured. What appears as boring compared with action movies with high pace like e.g. Bad Boys is the attempt of making it more realistic and not so shiny. The villain, for example, is not the typical bad guy, shootings don't try to "look or sound good" or the SEK (german S.W.A.T.) appears quietly and nearly invisible - like they should - without any of that heroic "fly-through-the-picture-shooting". The characters are also carefully designed to maintain this realistic approach, although the investigator in charge may be considered a bit weird. The killer, however, is as normal as can be - somebody you could meet on the street. Especially Joachim Krol, who's most famous appearance was in "Der bewegte Mann" (german comedy) surprised me with his totally different character.All in all a film worth seeing, particularly while the story is different to all the action kind of movie you usually get.