Soul of the Game
Soul of the Game
PG-13 | 20 April 1996 (USA)
Soul of the Game Trailers

In 1945, the world of baseball is divided between the Majors and the Negro Leagues - but the time has come for change. One team will be the first to sign a black player and only one player will be the first to take the field. The Brooklyn Dodgers want to make the deal that will make history. But the man they choose will have to be more than a great player - he has to have the charisma of a star. It soon comes down to three powerful and extraordinary players: legendary pitcher Satchel Paige; the greatest hitter in baseball Josh Gibson; and a rookie by the name of Jackie Robinson. Three player - three friends - three champions. Together they are unbeatable - but only one will cross the home plate into history.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Matt Greene ...Yet no one seems to really know about it, which actually fits with the subjects of the film. Most mainstream Jackie Robinson movies are about the effect his life and career had on the world (aka the white community), but this one zeros in on the black community, specifically the Negro League athletes who set a path racial integration and had to watch someone else get the glory. A strong story well-told, with a wonderful lack of sensationalism and tons of heart.
doujo Very good Baseball movie that wasnt advertised much at all. If Any. I just happened to come across it on HBO and was caught. Everyone knows Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, but not many know the events that led up to it. This movie actually brought a tear to my eye for Josh Gibson and Sachel Paige, I really felt sorry for those two. Also it was a very nice touch how Willie Mays was wrote into the movie as a whole, if you see it you will understand. Again this is a very good baseball history movie. If you are a fan of the National Pastime, then watch this film.
MarioB Everybody knows that director Spike Lee wants to make a film about Jackie Robinson, and he's probably the best man to do it. While we are waiting, here we have an honest TV movie about the early days of Robinson un pro baseball. The film shows us the two greatest athletes of the Black Men Baseball league, Josh Gibson and Satchel Paige. I think it's a bit sad to portray these men with foolish minds, always tryin' to have some fun, because I'm sure that discipline was necessary to them to be so excellent on the field. Anyway, I think this movie is entertaining, well done and it can be a good filler while we're waiting for Mr. Spike Lee epic.
CyMaddux This is a great movie. With accurate depictions of Satchel Paige, John Gibson, and Jackie Robinson, this is one of the unsung great baseball movies of the mid 90'sGreat performance by Delroy Lindo as Satchel Paige and a good story line.. If you are a baseball fan you will love this movie, if you aren't you should watch it to become informed about some trials faced by african-american ballplayers