Sooner or Later
Sooner or Later
NR | 25 March 1979 (USA)
Sooner or Later Trailers

Thirteen-year-old Jessie is in love with Michael, a 17-year-old guitar instructor and aspiring musician. When she finally captures his interest, she lies and tells him she's 16. But what will Michael do when he discovers the truth?

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
annew101 OK -- i had to hide from my parents to watch this when I was 12 -- and I think it's why I have what my friend calls "RSS" Rock Star Syndrome!! ha! I'm 40, and still love these long haired musicians - geez, what's wrong with me? Actually, NOTHING. This was what I wish our girls these days could hope for.... I still do.... But seriously, these were simpler times, no internet, all that... I would love to go to the mall and see a fabulous guy like that. Always wished it could happen. What's funny is, I'm a librarian, and people will pay literally a fortune for the sequels to "Sooner or Later". Like $50!!! Embarrassingly enough, I probably would too. Well... what a great movie and book. It will always take me back to that time - seriously, felt like a 13 year old again. Yay!!!
histrionicronnie I saw this movie when it first came out, and was obsessed with it. Boys, kissing, love and everything else was sooo new to me at the time, and this romance b/w Michael and Jessie became the fairytale that I dreamed of. As, I grew up, I never forgot the movie, and actually had an old copy on VHS recorded off the TV that eventually just fell to pieces. Then, a couple of years ago, I decided to look the movie up online, and found it on Amazon. I was elated and yes, I'll say it...giddy! I bought it and watch it every now and then when I want to escape to a simpler, less complicated time, with slumber parties, "Teen Beat" posters on the walls, vinyl records scattered about, slurping on NON-diet sodas and talking with my friends about boys and music and boys!Yup, I love this movie... and Rex paved the way for a lifetime attraction to tall blondes!!! You know... I hadn't seen the movie in about 20 years when I found it on Amazon, and the first time I replayed it...I STILL knew all the songs. That was a clear indication to me of the indelible impression "Sooner or Later" made on that starry-eyed girl of long ago! I am amazed, yet glad to see that there are others out there who love the movie, as well!
discogirl77 All that I have to say is it's the best movie of all time and worth watching!!!!!!!!!! It's heart-warming, sweet, romantic and a great coming of age story. Good for all ages...especially if you love music. Perfect for the "girls night", since we've all loved a singer in a band so time in our lives! Rex and Denise were exceptional in their roles and it really shows. Rex's smile doesn't hurt either!!!!!!!!! What a hottie! Even now! I must say I saw the movie when I was 15 and it was on late at night. I was born in 1977 so I missed it on TV. They should play it though every so often, I haven't seen it since that night. Now I own the VHS, DVD, and All 3 books of the story. For those of you who didn't know there is a part 2 and 3 to the story but ONLY in a book...WOULD LOVE FOR A 4TH BOOK!!!!!!!
ajlis21 I don't know what it was, maybe cause I was 18 when I saw the film and a Letta us guys had girlfriends (or were in love with girls) that were a fies years younger and it just didn't fit in back then (mostly with the fathers) and the movie kinda made it feel better for us, made us all feel like we were OK and that the feelings were real and OK, I was overwhelmed at the time, being in a relationship with a girl that was 16, it helped me sort it all out. Or at least made me feel better, I am still to this day believing that Rex was so much better than even he knew, I know he has gone on to do so much in Broadway and I have heard real estate, but "you take my breath away " was our wedding song, I would have liked to see a "Sooner or later 2"Dam I miss those days