Some Nudity Required
Some Nudity Required
| 16 October 1998 (USA)
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A woman working in the B movie industry begins examining the industry and the damaged, desperate people who work in it.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Michael_Elliott Some Nudity Required (1998) *** (out of 4) Odette Springer was the mind behind this documentary that takes a look at "B" movies and the certain requirements that are expected out of women. Springer got her start working for Roger Corman but she soon realized that those type of "B" movies required the women to appear naked. The documentary features interviews with the likes of Julie Strain, Jim Wynorski, Roger Corman, Fred Olen Ray, Samuel Z. Arkoff, Andy and Arlene Sidaris and Brinke Stevens.SOME NUDITY REQUIRED is a pretty strong documentary that questions some of the things that are required out of women. There's no question that the movie wants to attack the fact that women are expecting to look a certain way and the documentary wants the viewer to question why they watch these types of movies. At the same time, you've got directors like Wynorski on hand here offering up rather truthful comments including him saying that the majority of the people renting these movies aren't housewives but instead men who want to see beautiful women naked.The documentary tackles various subjects and it remains extremely entertaining throughout. Obviously, the film puts down the fact that nudity is required yet there's plenty of nudity throughout the running time including getting some behind-the-scenes footage. If you're a fan of these types of "B" movies then this documentary really does a great job at taking you into the pre-production of these films and what decisions are made before the cameras started rolling.
Foggy-7 Some Nudity Required is one of those documentaries that reveal as much as the person trying to create the documentary as it does the subject. What does it reveal about B movies? Odette Springer's focus is definitely negative about the industry, but it's the words of the B-movie mavens that do the most damage, revealing the rampant and violent mysogyny prevalent among makers of B movies. What does it reveal about Odette? A lot...and proves she has a lot that she has a lot that she wants to let out.The story of Maria Ford was also telling, and another great reason to see the movie.
Libra-4 When i saw this documentary some time ago, i found it really irritating. It is in many parts Odette Springer's annoying tribute to Odette Springer with it's to many "i'm-a-extremely-fantastic-and-talented-person-but-nobody-understands-it" scenes. What makes it more annoying is that Springer looks down on the people she wants to depict (Except Maria Ford who is "a-extremely-fantastic-and-talented-person-but-nobody-understands-it".) and sometimes steps on them. It is also filled with faked documentary scenes like the ridiculous scene where Springer looks at a violent video and gets "excited" what leads us to the scene that gave me a bade taste in my mouth- in the end of the movie tries Odette Springer to find a reason to why she got "excited" when she saw the violent video and from the clear blue sky the truth falls over her (and the poor audience)- all of a sudden she remembers that she was subjected to sexual abuse by her grand parents. What makes me feel bad about that scene is that she don't presents any real evidence and that the grand parents both are dead so they don't have any chance to defend themselves from the accusation.
l1diva I really liked this documentary. This is a very true eye opener for people who are not in the industry. I have worked with Maria Ford and I have to say, I am very proud of her for standing up and telling people what most of us women in this industry feel like. I would recommend this Documentary to people so they can see what we go through.
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