So Little Time
So Little Time
| 14 August 1953 (USA)
So Little Time Trailers

During World War II, German soldiers occupy the home of a beautiful Belgian girl and her mother.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
malcolmgsw I have just finished the excellent autobiography by Oswald Morris who was the Director of Photography on this film.He does a really excellent job,and is the only noteworthy aspect of this risible story.It stretches credulity beyond breaking point to believe that Goring would have a relationship with Schell.Goring is quite good as the officer but Schell is quite wearing as the girl.
imbd-184 So Little Time is the moving WWII tale of a 20 year-old girl (Maria Schell) in occupied Belgium who falls in love with 45 year-old German commandant (Marius Goring). The movie is based on the novel 'Je Ne Suis Pas Une Heroine' ('I Am Not A Heroine') by Noelle Henry. As others have said, a German-dubbed version of the movie was released on DVD but the original English-language version was (bizarrely) never included. The German DVD title for the movie is 'Wenn Das Herz Sprecht' ('When The Heart Speaks').I definitely share the pain of all those who have searched high and low for this movie. My own search for it has taken over 5 long years and, among many things, even included contacting descendants of the starring actors. BUT NOW, some GREAT NEWS! A copy of the original English version has now been found! If you are interested, get in touch.Rob
jutta-dreesen First i am happy to find a lot of people who are so fond of this film like me!Since years I try to get it in the original English synchronized version,because the German synchronized is,except M.Schell ,with strange and silly voices and stiff dialogs.I am so much interested in hearing the real voice of Marius Goring,and I cannot understand,why he did not speak the German version himself,although he did speak so fluently and without an accent!Both main actors are extremely good in this film ,and all the others too,to my opinion.Iwould be very happy,if I could get an English DVD ,but to get it in Germany is nearly impossible!! Jutta Dreesen
bellol I only ever saw this movie once, and that was in the late 1960's when I was doing my year 12 (back then matriculation)exams. I remember that I had a Friday afternoon exam, so my parents allowed me to stay up late to unwind. I also recall my Father exiting shortly after it started, and my Mother attempting to turn the TV off, when Nicole flung herself into Colonel Holensee's arms, because she didn't want her erstwhile enemy to leave her family mansion. Thankfully I didn't give into my Mother's discomfort, and was the only one to watch it to its tear jerking end.I had always liked Marius Goring in THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL, but after seeing him in SO LITTLE TIME, I developed a schoolgirl crush on him that I have never fully recovered from. This movie has left a lasting impression on my mind after a single viewing. It was wonderful finding this web page and reading other people's responses to it. It made me realize that I wasn't as nutty as I thought I was.I would love to see this movie again, partly to check to see if any of the details I think I recall, are indeed correct. For instance I think that I remember that Colonel Holensee had an old war wound on one side of his face, which periodically gave him trouble, prompting him to pop a pill or two. Then there was Anna, the housekeeper/cook (Janet from the 1960's DR. FINLAY'S CASEBOOK)at the de Malvines' mansion, who bossed the Colonel's batman about. One scene I think I managed to confirm, is when Holensee takes Nicole to THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, they watch the final act from the wings. Shortly after that scene I think that I recall another scene at the theatre, when an old friend/flame(?)of Holensee is alone with him. She has noticed that the Colonel is smitten with Nicole, and so tells him to do something as there is "so little time". At the very end, after Holensee has shot himself (as they all did in DOWNFALL), I think that there was a shot (camera this time, not gun) of the batman wiping his glasses, and then the rain beginning to fall on some autumn leaves. One thing that I am 95% certain of is that I saw this movie on ABC TV (Australian Broadcasting Commission), as out TV was rarely turned on to other channels. I emailed them in late January this year. I received this response a week later "I am sorry to say that the ABC does not currently have the rights to screen this film. However I have noted your request and will forward it on to Television Acquisitions so that they are aware of your interest". My gut feeling is:a)the ABC still has a copy of SO LITTLE TIMEb)the copyright is held by the German company who have so annoyingly dubbed it into Deutschc)the ABC is probably not interested in buying the screening rights because they are either too expensive, or it would be a waste of staff time trying to purchase rights from a German company they don't normally deal with, or both.If anyone in Australia would like to see SO LITTLE TIME again, or indeed for the first time, please email the ABC, or write to them. Maybe if they get a number of enquiries, they might actually do something about acquiring the screening rights.