Slightly Honorable
Slightly Honorable
NR | 22 December 1939 (USA)
Slightly Honorable Trailers

A lawyer is framed for the murder of a young party girl and tries to clear his name.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
SimonJack The cast for "Slightly Honorable" has three top male stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood. It also has some top supporting actors and three top supporting actresses of the day. Pat O'Brien is attorney John Webb and Broderick Crawford is his associate, Russ Sampson. Crawford's role is particularly interesting because, while energetic, it isn't as bombastic as his screen persona became in time. Edward Arnold plays their nemesis here in a somewhat muted role. He's a wealthy crime boss, Vincent Cushing.The film is billed as a comedy as well as a crime and drama. Eve Arden provides some of the comedy as Miss Ater, secretary to Webb and Sampson. Ruth Terry is a bubbly young singer at Pete Godena's Riviera Club, Ann Seymour ("Puss" to Webb). She takes to Webb, follows him everywhere, and provides some of the comedy. Claire Dodd, Douglas Dumbrille, Ernest Truex and a host of other actors contribute in this mystery mayhem. Before all is through, two dames are knocked off. The culprit is something of a surprise, but it's a bit hokey how Webb figures it out. The film quality isn't very good. The background music is terrible and very distracting. Fortunately, it only plays during moments of suspense. But, the story is fair and the film has some good action and lots of commotion that contributes to an interesting movie. The film is based on a 1939 crime novel by Frank G. Presnell, "Send Another Coffin."Here are a couple of my favorite lines. George Taylor (Dumbrille), "Who's conducting this inquiry – the police or this ambulance chaser?"Russ Sampson, toasting, "For the people!" John Webb, "For the $100,000 retainer fee."Pete Godena (played by Bernard Nedell), "Let's you and me have a nice little heart-to-heart talk, huh?" Alma Brehmer (Claire Dodd), "What would you use?"
csteidler Fast talking lawyer Pat O'Brien sets out to do a job—on the level, but only for the money, it seems. The "job" is fighting the highway monopoly controlled by smooth talking crime boss Edward Arnold. Broderick Crawford is O'Brien's law partner and pal; they set out to take down Arnold and his empire.Sounds like a solid drama, but…soon silly girl singer Ruth Terry is telling O'Brien "I like you" at a party. He half-heartedly discourages her enthusiastic advances on him, and he doesn't quite believe that she's eighteen years and two months old, as she says; however, she persists in chasing him around for the rest of the movie, wearing down his resistance and distracting him from the real plot—A woman is murdered and the few clues point toward O'Brien. Who really did the murder, and why is O'Brien being framed? –There's the mystery O'Brien has to sort out, with assistance (and frequent interference) from partner Crawford, from the kid singer Terry, and from the cops—who may be Arnold's stooges.Bizarre humorous touches distract somewhat from the mystery plot; for example, the scene in which all of the suspects remove their shoes to be examined for blood stains, and Edward Arnold has an embarrassing hole in the toe of his sock. Terry and O'Brien giggle madly…even though the corpse is still lying in the next room. It just doesn't quite fit. I would have liked to see more of three other women characters: Claire Dodd as an early victim (intimate friends with more than one suspect), Eve Arden as O'Brien's secretary (smart and ready), and Phyllis Brooks as Arnold's daughter (conscience crying out as she learns about her father). All are very good in too small roles. We do get plenty of Ruth Terry…who is actually very good herself, except that hers and O'Brien's relationship never really convinces, the chemistry never really gels. Unfortunately for her, she comes across as rather annoying.One truly chilling moment involves a discovery at a desk—a shock that is totally unexpected and perfectly executed. Otherwise, the plot is passable, the cast a bunch of pros, the dialog zippy—and the romance and humor a little oddball. Fun—just a little unsteady.
Pleasehelpmejesus What a surprise. This film, which showcases the under-remarked comic skills of Pat O'Brien is a genuine treat which belongs right up there with "The Front Page" (with O'Brien and James Cagney) its remake "His Girl Friday" and the best of the 'Thin Man' series. Director Tay Garnett is probably best known for directing some of the better series in the early days of television ("Bonanza", "The Untouchables" "Naked City", "Rawhide")and at least two film classics ("The Postman Always Rings Twice" , "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court"). After seeing this film one can only guess that the reason his name is not as well known as that of Sturgess or Capra or even Wilder is that he moved to television at a time when that medium was seen as a real threat to the film industry and thereby encountered some resentment. How else to explain the fact that "Slightly Honorable" is not mentioned on more 'Best' lists?O'Brien is probably more likable (and believable as a semi-romantic lead) here than in almost any of his other films. Always effective in serious dramas he reminds us of how versatile some of our greatest stars of middle period American cinema (Cagney, John Wayne, Katherine Hepburn,Clark Gable) were-switching effortlessly from drama to comedy in a way that seems to be beyond the scope of some later stars.Much the same can be said for Ruth Terry who would own this film were it not for the strength of her co-star's performances. Terry retired before she was 45 years old. By that time she was reduced to bit parts but a look at her work here will have you shaking your head in wonder at how that happened.A great performance from Broderick Crawford and standout supporting turns from Eve Arden and Claire Dodd (among others) crackerjack pacing and set design,snappy clever and first rate dialogue combine to make for a wonderful hilarious film that deserves a wide audience and a restoration treatment to enhance the sometimes muddy soundtrack and occasional glitch in the currently available print. Do NOT hesitate to rent this one.By the way, contrary to IMDb's spell checking feature "dialogue" is NOT a misspelling. Look it up.
deng43 this is one of those pleasant surprises that makes buying cheap films you've never heard of before so much fun. the first thing that came to mind as this film unreeled was how much fun the dialogue was. this is the blue collar version of the thin man. what it lacks in dry humor and sly irony, from nick and nora, is made up for in sheer fun. ruth terry is terrific as pat o'brien's wannabe girl. her energy is almost manic, and o'brien plays off it perfectly as the straight man to her ditzy rambles. the rest of the cast doesn't let you down either. arnold, arden and broderick crawford play their parts without flaw. the mystery, per se, is pretty average; realizing that you must wonder why more 'average' plots don't fall into the hands of talented directors, writers and cast and go on to be really good films. my only sorrow is in the DVD i have, the alpha video version #alp4644d. if you can find another print, get it. the visuals are OK, at least i have seen much worse, but the sound track is dreadful. about half of the film i couldn't understand, and i still loved it.