R | 22 March 2011 (USA)
Siren Trailers

A group of friends escaping the city for a weekend away have a simple plan, to tour the coast for a relaxing weekend. Things hit a snag when one of the friends spots a seductive, sultry young woman waving for help off the shore of one of many secluded islands along the coast. Reaching out to rescue her turns deadly and they risk everything to get off the island alive.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Martin Graupner the only thing, that is really horrifying is the dialogs. people constantly shouting their names, nonstop looking for each other. nothing happens in this movie but the waste of time. after 20 minutes, you think: »please, get killed. now! o my gosh, it's another 60 minutes left.«if someone is interested in mythology, i recommend homers odyssee as a book. this movie isn't even a modern interpretation of it. everything is superficial. no connection but the idea of people who got influenced by the singing of sirens. in the myth it's not only one siren and they sing to get seamen to shipwreck. here, the reason is different. in fact, the movie combines the myth of sirens with the myth of circe. that's, why the siren's name is silka, 'cause it sounds like, without meaning it. in the odyssee these are completely different stories. this is just senseless eclecticism. poorly made.
charlytully Why would someone (me) rate the fairly recent release ONDINE as 9 out of 10, and then give SIREN just 4 of 10, when they are both based on the Homeric legend of the sea siren, or silka? (In the first movie, the character Ondine calls herself a silka, while in SIREN the title character says her name is Silka.) Let's explore a few of the answers. ONDINE is a family drama\mystery in which the audience cares about the characters because of great acting, while SIREN is a horror\mystery in which watchers can only hope the cast kills each other off as quickly as possible, since no one delivers a convincing performance. Whereas ONDINE is extremely well-plotted with unpredictable plot twists which make perfect sense in hindsight, SIREN is the sort of travesty which could have happened if the producers of the TV hit LOST had hired actors without talent and appointed Ulli Lommel to direct them in their island misadventures. SIREN's so-called plot revolves around a random jumble of nonsensical quick cuts apparently designed to evoke thoughtless jumpiness from viewers, though the actual incidents turn out to be ludicrous nonsensical throwaways, such as the never-seen-again dwarf which frightens Rachel during her ill-advised role-playing make-out session with her boyfriend in the CANDYMAN-style public rest room seen at the beginning of this misfire.Though it would be possible (actually, downright tempting) to ramble on for 2 or 3 more pages about the short-comings of SIREN (it's not even sexy, which should be job #1 for this type of flick), readers would be better served by looking up ONDINE on their browsers to find a decent movie about sirens.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Do not get suckered in by the alluring movie cover, because it is really nothing that you see in the movie at all. And worst of all, that movie cover does send a wrong signal about what you will see in the movie.The movie "Siren" is a story about 3 people getting stranded on a small island when their boat breaks down and runs ashore. Here they encounter the sensual and mysterious Silka. But something is not entirely right on the island..."Siren" does have an interesting take on the whole siren mythology and it is interesting enough, just a shame that the rest of the movie was so bad. The story trots forward in a slow, dull pace with nothing much happening. And at times it is great, because you want to know what will happen next, but at other times it is frustrating, because you feel you are getting nowhere in way too long a time.Having a small cast was working well for the movie though, because you get more involved with each character, but sadly there were very little character evolving throughout the movie. You never really fully did get into whom they were and why they acted the way they did.One thing that did work for the movie, was the singing. When Silka was singing it did sound really interesting and chilling in a way. It sort of made you tinkle and the song went to your soul (if one does believe that we have souls). So thumbs up for the impressive sound here.One thing that really ticked me off was the excessive display of semi-erotic scenes. Why did we see almost everyone making out with almost everyone? And why were there so many girl on girl scenes? It totally brought the movie down to a low-grade, low-ranked sleazy level. And this was what killed off the movie for me, the final death throe.The genre is labeled as horror, but I wouldn't hardly call "Siren" a horror movie. It is more of a suspense movie, because nothing scary is happening throughout the entire movie.I was disappointed with the overall movie experience, as I had expected at least something more than what it turned out to be; a sad excuse to show women kissing each other!
Tony Heck What would you do if rescuing people turned out to be a mistake. After their boat bottoms out trying to save a drowning victim a group of friends discover a beautiful woman on a deserted island. After inviting her to join them the group starts to experience strange visions, along with having problems trying to leave. It may be skewed because the movies I watched before this were pretty boring, but this one actually wasn't too bad. It has some overused characters, the cocky boyfriend, the pretty girlfriend, the best friend in love with the girlfriend, and the strange hot girl who everyone falls in love with instantly. If I was up on my mythology I probably would have noticed some things that may have made this more interesting, but overall there are worse ways to spend an hour and a half. I give it a C+.Would I watch again? - Probably not, but you never know.