Sin: The Movie
Sin: The Movie
NR | 24 October 2000 (USA)
Sin: The Movie Trailers

It is the near future, and the city of Freeport teeters on the verge of total collapse. The twin tides of rampant crime and ruinous graft face only one barrier: the elite strike force HARDCORPS. Led by Colonel John Blade, HARDCORPS is the last force for justice in the darkening city.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Steve West I played the game back in 1998 or whenever and thought it was pretty good as far as single player first-person shooters went. The world of SiN stayed in my mind so naturally I was interested when I came across a movie version when browsing video store shelves (more of a TV special - got to remember to check the running time when renting anime). On the cover there was a quote from a magazine "sets a new benchmark for game-related anime" which was good enough for me.What troubled me as I was watching SiN was that the world had been completely dispensed with, Blade's assistant gets killed off in the opening scenes. It became apparent that the SiN character(s) had been grafted on to an independently written story. Blade was something of a detective in the game, in the movie he's just someone holding a gun. Anyone could have taken his place. On its own merits the story is average at best, suitable to be played on TV once and that's it (too boring to warrant being on DVD shelves worldwide in my opinion). Basically a SiN movie has never been made but if you like the look of Blade and want to see his likeness in an average 50 minute anime, then this is your ticket.
s3160292 This has got to be the worst anime I have ever seen, and I've been watching all the anime I could get my hands on for the better part of a decade. The animation was smooth, but poorly drawn and unimaginative. The narrative of the story had no logical progression, it was just a bunch of cliched action movie scenes played in a random order.There are no real characterisations, yet parts of the movie hinge on the depth of the characters.The funny part is that I hired this because it was based on a game I'd played years earlier that had a great story and great characters! Whahappen?Neither the English or Japanese dub matches the characters mouths - always a sign of something thrown together too quickly.I reiterate, THIS IS THE WORST ANIMATED FEATURE OF ANY DESCRIPTION THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN. I want that hour of my life back.
erebus53 I watched this on DVD and it looked really promising until the end of the opening credits. The prologue before the open credits was really interesting but it seemed to be the only part of the plot in which character was explored. The credits themselves looked vibrantly rendered (CG of course) and very swish indeed... I only wish that the film had come across so well.From the odd pacing to the strange mix-and-match direction it was a bit of a let down. Though I like storylines that require one to engage brain, I believe this plot was poorly explained. Very little character history was explained and in some places the directorial disregard for chronological order fell short of artful and ended up at annoyingly ambiguous.The backgrounds are really beautifully painted but in places there are computer graphic effects that fail to be integrated nicely into the cell shading. I cringed physically as I watched the Adobe lens flares fly across the screen and computer effects used where good simple animation would have done just fine.If you want to enjoy this production I really suggest you check your brain at the door. Contains violence, explosions, mutants and a scantily clad evil bad girl... not really enough to save it, in my opinion. I won't rewatch it in a hurry.
Little Washu This was yet another weak video game based anime like Fatal Fury. The plot had more cliches per minute than almost any other anime I have seen. The animation varied from really quite nice to absolutely terrible. Even the action sequences boring. Only watch this movie if you really have nothing else. I give it a 3.