Silver Tongues
Silver Tongues
| 18 November 2011 (USA)
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Two lovers travel from town to town playing a dark game of deceit that soon spirals out of control, threatening their very relationship.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
C.H Newell Lee Tergesen and Enid Graham play two fantastic roles in Silver Tongues, and I was absolutely blown away with their performances from start to finish. First, their characters, Gerry and Joan seem to almost slip into the film, as if they were to be supporting actors; quickly, you realize these two are quite slippery. We follow Gerry and Joan, a husband and wife, who like to play games with people, to test their resolve; maybe it's because they're awful people, or maybe it's because they're just two actors walking through life playing the various roles that fall upon them, or maybe they're testing people in the things they're missing within themselves. They go from place to place on a road trip, and mess with the lives of people, but not always in a malicious way; one of their 'capers' brings them to a church where Joan begins a witch hunt accusing the female priest of stealing money from the collection plate, but eventually Gerry turns it into the congregation donating more money to it, and ending up to stand fiercely beside their priest, who before that day they had never once doubted in any way. There are many ways to interpret this film. Many people feel the scene in the woods where Gerry believes he has done the unthinkable to Joan is in fact what happened without any other explanation. I think Gerry and Joan acted it all out just as they did their other roles; Gerry even professes to the police woman who interrogates him that he is an actor playing a cop in a play where he investigates the murder of a woman who was strangled. Every moment (particularly one just as Gerry is left alone in the interrogation room) you can see both Gerry and Joan playing their roles, acting it out with method-like precision, and manipulating everyone around them. Their role playing is all about making people question themselves, their decisions, their beliefs. Perhaps it's because they don't know themselves. At the very end, as they return home from their little road trip, we see exactly who they are, and maybe that's what leads us to a conclusion. Gerry and Joan are looking for something, and maybe they haven't even found it yet themselves, but they're searching; who knows how many trips they take like this, how often, or how far they go on them. One thing is for sure, that these two individuals have a strangely unique bond, and are both daring enough to let it go to the edges of madness.One other thing- there are definitely some awkward parts, as some have said, but they work so well. I particularly enjoyed the kiss Joan gave one old man when they visited a retirement home because it fit quite perfectly, even if it felt a little strange to watch.I give this film a solid 10 out of 10 because the script was great, the story progressed nicely (I never felt bored), and once again, the two leads are amazing! I am a general fan of Lee Tergesen, but he definitely puts in one of his best performances here. Shame this doesn't have a higher rating. However, I try not to pay too close attention to ratings here on this site, as many don't know how to objectively review a film.
jonkeller878 It's kind of hard to talk about this film without spoilers, but it's great to watch something where I had NO idea what it was going to do next. I can almost always say with a film, "Okay, one of two things is going to happen here at the ending", and it always does. I had no idea how things were going to pan out here, and what did was mind-blowing!Its obviously low budget, and there's a couple of scenes which don't work as well as others, but overall it's great, and Lee Tergesen gives my favorite performance of the year so far. I love Oz and Generation Kill, but it bums me out that he doesn't do more films. Hopefully this'll help.
Adam Nixon Silver Tongues is a deeply engaging psychological thriller about characters operating outside the rules of civilized discourse. Why do they do it? Why not? I came upon this film without warning at the Annapolis Prentious Film Society screening, and felt that it was better than nearly every other film I saw in 2011. If we're going to nominate 9 films for best picture, Silver Tongues should have been one of them.Lee Tergesen is a superb actor, and this script allows him to explore all of the crazy stuff that must be lurking in his subconscious. Enid Graham is sexy and just as in touch with the outrageous. The script is well structured, with a lot of engaging subtext. Independent cinema at its best.
jalbion-312-24014 I saw this movie at Slamdance last year and maybe it was my hangover, but I remember thinking HURRY UP in the first section because it seemed a little tame, but then came the biggest sucker punch a movie's dealt me in years. I won't say what happens cause it'll be a spoiler, but the whole movie just dragged me off into the night and blew my mind. I loved every minute of it. Sure, it's low budge and there's a couple of things that could be better (the police station looks like a set), but I've really never seen anything like this film. When I was younger and I watched indie films, they used to surprise, shock and excite me, and that rarely seems to happen anymore. I cannot wait to see this movie again, I just wish it'd come out on DVD quicker!!