| 22 September 2011 (USA)
Silenced Trailers

Based on actual events that took place at Gwangju Inhwa School for the hearing-impaired, where young deaf students were the victims of repeated sexual assaults by faculty members over a period of five years in the early 2000s.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kruse ... it's hate overflowing my body. This movie is a good as it is gets. It is rare that I want to grab a movie villain's neck and strangle him but in this case, I don't care what else I'll see the principals and the teacher in. They'll always be the manipulative child abusers I have just witnessed. This movie has simply left me shocked which is rare. I had no problem watching A Serbian Film but this movie had one specific scene that made me gag. The bathroom scene with Min-soo's little brother. I had to rewatch to be sure it was just a doll. But as soon as I noticed the "doll" move I was so close to throw up. That is something I have never seen in ANY movie! Though it was disturbing I must give a standing ovation to the actors in that scene. How brave of them to put themselves in that kind of scenario.Speaking of actors, can you get any better child actors?! Jesus Christ on the cross, these kids are so good, I would not be surprised if I was watching a documentary. Defintely a good watch... if you have the stomach for it. Make sure to be hydrated though, otherwise the tears will dry you out.
keren_boy_ii If you were asked on how to make a movie out of a real event, then this is how it's done. The real events were so cruel, yet this movie is able to explain them in such a way that it's not disgusting without misleading the message they want to tell. I've only seen very few South Korean movie, but out of those few this one is definitely the very best.In fact, since this movie later sparked a national protest against the punishment for rapist, this could be one of those movie in the entire world that has a great social impact. For me personally, I felt the sadness, anger and disappointment in the faces of those children. It's like I wanna protest too now!! I always like to compare this movie to the Japanese movie titled Nobody Knows / Dare Mo Shiranai. Although they don't bear similar plot, both are actually based loosely on a true event. Howeve, Nobody Knows seems to tell the story in a too soft way. Dogani instead is a super great story telling of the actual event.AWESOME MOVIE!
e-53976 Were Silenced not based on fact, its unchecked depiction of corporal and sexual abuse in Korean school for the deaf could be construed as sensational, manipulative, even sadistic. As it were, the polished manner in which director-screenwriter Hwang Dong-hyuk adopts mainstream genre conventions to develop ambiance, suspense, and calculated twists propel the story to an incendiary and compelling conclusion. Although the film ultimately achieves its function to expose deep-rooted and far-reaching social injustice, its visceral representation of harrowing and morally repugnant scenes remains unnerving and questionable. But the film belongs to the child actors, who transcend the controversial subject by conveying such a complex combination of pain, confusion and resilience one instantly roots for them. A court scene where Yeon-du outwits an intimidating lawyer by turning her hearing impairment into an advantage is an unabashedly uplifting moment.
Kenji Chan Sunny and Silenced are two Korean films I have watched in 2012 and both are excellent. Silenced is a poignant and depressing movie based on a true event that happened in a special school where the deaf children are abused by the Principal and teachers. In the first half of the movie, the horrible abuses are unveiled one by one. The second half is a courtroom drama.The movie is an emotional ride which tugs at your heartstrings. At the scene in which the teacher is on the verge of tears and the boy cries his eyes out and struggles to express his overwhelming pent-up emotions upon knowing that his grandmother has forgiven the culprit, some members of the audience will be moved to tears. Where might is master, justice is servant, which is cruel, but real. It is also uplifting to see the teacher remain steadfast in his determination to bring the culprits to justice, despite his daughter's plight.As for the setting, the misty mountains and creepy campus create an eerie atmosphere. I also love the montage at the beginning of the movie. The kid is just like the deer, innocent and pure.The perversion of justice prevails when Christians are blinded by their unquestionable faith, teachers are heartless, policemen, lawyers, the judge and the security guard are corrupted by money, civil servants shirk their responsibility and shift the work onto others and others remain silent. Martin Luther King is right. In the end, we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Amid those humans who are evil but influential in society, justice is shrouded in a thick gray mist.
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