Shut Up and Kiss Me
Shut Up and Kiss Me
NR | 14 September 2010 (USA)
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Ben is 35, facing the unsatisfying suburban dating world, and looking for more then just sex. Nightmarish attempts with video dating, bad gym run-ins, and his uproarious friends signing him up with online match-making sites have got him nowhere. Meanwhile, Ben has his eye on the hot neighborhood stud, Grey, who runs by his house everyday as he waters his lawn. He finally gets the nerve to talk to him and the chemistry is instant. But what happens when you meet someone who doesn't share the same beliefs about relationships that you do? Funny and touching, Shut Up and Kiss Me deals with sexual monogamy and dating in today’s gay world.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Executscan Expected more
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
hddu10 "oh, no," The funny thing here is I immediately saw the lead character, Ronnie Kerr and thought "wait...I just saw a total piece of crap/waste of time with this guy in it yesterday" and sure enough, went to IMDb and saw not only was he also the lead in the tragic assault to gay cinema called "Saltwater", but also wrote both of them. I'd say that was the only funny thing about this film at all, but I have to be completely honest and say there are a couple of really good performances which were obviously ad-lib-ed (no, not Mark Cirillo's same tired character he does in every performance that will give him a part because he will do full-frontal) but rather the opening scene with the director...yet even HER awesome performance was butchered through very bad editing and B-roll throughout-style camera-work. Look, I get that everyone needs a hobby...but at this point I'd say this niche genre of cheap, badly written/acted/filmed gay films is reaching saturation; no one gets a "pass" anymore, so come back when you have REAL and NEW to say (or at the very least entertaining).
gabolariosm So basically this movie is about Grey's self-centered ideas of love, in which if Ben loves him, he should let him walk all over him, allow him to cheat around and possibly infect him with HIV, because he is honest and tells him from the beginning that he doesn't care enough to compromise in anything, but Ben has to completely change how he thinks, acts and feels about all things for them to be together...And Ben insecure, stupid and desperate for attention, allows it all just to have someone... At the expense of himself, his ideas and his dignity (He didn't have much of either tho, so the loss was not significant).LOVE! *with a sarcastic tone* ◔_◔The acting/directing is just as terrible as the script, but kudos for it being very realistic, because the world is full of narcissistic brutes with aids and weak minded losers so desperate not to be alone that they would do anything just to be with someone, even if the person they are with doesn't give a penny about them or how they feel and think...This movie successfully depicts the workings of a completely toxic gay relationship!!!The movie is supposed to be based in Ronnie Kerr's life experiences and in the movie he plays Ben... After watching the movie i kinda feel in real life Ronnie is actually represented by Grey, but if it indeed he is playing as himself, then he has to be very stupid to have allowed someone treat him like the Grey character does and then dedicating an entire movie championing his selfish ideas of what love is... All in all, an entertaining, but very poorly executed and stupidly written movie about having no self esteem.
stevenw-1 I love that the notion of a non-monogamist man and a fully monogamist man decide to make it work. They do love each other and, I trust, they continue to set boundaries and grow from this. There are very complicated and "gray" feelings that can come up between people. Often, I have seen first-hand such a couple go through life completely fooling themselves. In this film, the writer bravely shows us a couple who recognize infidelity and decide to trudge ahead. That is very honest. I've seen reviews here where some feel our main character is copping-out in some way. I think he's really willing to accept his man without any false hopes that he'll change in the future. One can go through life waiting for Mr. Right who can do No Wrong. One can wait an eternity and never meet anyone in that process. Life is short, love who you love and accept who they are. Our main character should be confident enough to realize that, although his partner may have quick sex with someone else at any point, it's ultimately meaningless. He may also change since this could be his first truly meaningful love. Most people get really selfish in relationships and refuse to share...but it often happens without them knowing it. It happens to many people gay and straight. This couple is fully up front with that from the start and I find that very brave. It may not be one persons idea of a true, loving relationship but it will be for someone else. A couple ultimately decides what is allowed in their relationship and there is no set template in society that should decide that for them. What is considered wrong for some people and what is considered right is really nobody else's business but the two men involved in this relationship. I found the acting by the two lead men very credible. Ronnie Kerr has long been a favorite of mine and Scott Gabelein (resembling a young Dennis Quaid) is very good as well. I was quite surprised at the main character took the route he did, but I don't blame him one bit. I'm glad he chose to experience this situation at least once. It may work or it may not - but at least they both are trying.
amberbaer Thank God I got to watch this for free as part of my online Netflix account, because if I had paid money for this, I would have been asking for it all back.Knowing that it was going to be bad, I didn't know just how bad, and within the first 30 minutes of this thankfully short movie, I wanted to turn away.The acting is beyond wooden, no emotional range outside of sad puppy dog face is seen on the lead actor. The secondary actor gets the chance to repeat the same tired old lines from every "you can't love me I'm H.I.V" story that's been done in the last 20 years. I'm a man whore looking for love with the one that will love me and let me play around because that's who I am, like it, love it, love me or leave.....Oh God, I just gave away the plot.There are 2 good points to this whole movie: Dylan Vox is hysterical as a trick gone wrong....funny stuff, but then he's always funny in these roles. And the other part, sudden nudity....we cut from fighting in the kitchen to "sword" fighting in the bedroom with barely any transition, at least the actors are decent size, otherwise I would had to laugh at that part of the movie too....and the "shut up and kiss me" line was over-used....just like the tired and trite dialog throughout the whole movie...writers should not be permitted to act out the lines that they're written...and this movie drives that point home like putting a steak in the heart of a vampire....kill it now before it makes more! Now that was funny....this movie is just a**
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