Shooting Livien
Shooting Livien
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
Shooting Livien Trailers

A dark psychological drama, Shooting Livien explores the inner psyche of John Livien, a disillusioned New York musician who deals with a childhood trauma by claiming an alter ego. His band on the brink of success, fantasy becomes dangerously blurred with reality as Livien struggles with his identity crisis. At the peak of his insanity Livien decides to take his dementia to the furthest reaches...

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
b-gaist This film is really something of a curate's egg, good in parts. In contrast to other reviewers, I found that the main fault with it is its inability to draw in the viewer's interest in the characters and the plot. I sat through it because I'm interested in rock'n'roll and the dynamics of bands, but if I were to evaluate it purely on the basis of its merit as a movie, I would have to give it the thumbs down, with a few caveats: Jason Behr is good in the part of John Livien, and quite convincing as a rock singer; the narrative regarding his childhood trauma is unclear, although we are given hints in Livien's well-acted relationship to his parents, but his behaviour is ultimately bizarre to the viewer (which it shouldn't be). Nevertheless the idea of using a stage persona to solve inner conflicts is interesting, albeit not novel nor fully explored as a theme in this film. The allusions to John Lennon were irritating, but I confess I'm not a Beatles fan. At any rate, Livien and his band reminded me more of Oasis than the Beatles, in the sense that there was something derivative about them. Another frustrating thing about the movie was the way it opened up with some interesting - albeit middlebrow and high-school level - philosophical musings of the lead character, but left the threads of his thinking there, only to pick them up again in the middle of the film very briefly, when Livien says, "before God, there was music" (ever seen that ad for Tia Maria in the 1990s, "Before time, there was Tia Maria"? That's what sprung to mind anyway); it seems an idiotic conclusion, and the viewer has no idea how he reached it, but he's entitled to it. Fortunately his bassist and friend, played ably by Dominic Monaghan, seems to acknowledge the fallacy of this thinking when he responds "You don't know that".In all, the limited strengths of the direction and the plot could go either way on future projects, into pointless banality or into an interesting and more mature perspective.
oranje32 Shooting Livien a great beautiful Rock Drama by Rebecca Cook. This was excellent filmed in a sort of POV from John Livien's (Jason Behr) vision. John Livien plays in a band with two of his friends Owen(Dominique Monaghan) and Robby(Joshua Leonard) and are trying to make it in the music business. Along the way you will get a look in Livien's mind, and experience his fears, his past and his drug addiction, that lead up to his craziness and dysfunctional life.The music that goes with this movie is outstanding and was done by Fionn Ó Lochlainn. It fits the movie and the lyrics give also a clear view how dark Livien's mind is.One of the items in the "Special Features" on the DVD is Behind the Scenes. Filmed and produced by Scott Eathorne. It was very well done, and it also includes some scenes that weren't used in the original movie.I loved it and can recommend it very highly if you want to buy the DVD.Sandra
XX8GirlXX I saw Shooting Livien at the Philly film festival. I'm not going to go into detail cause I'm hoping it'll be shown in more venues, so that more people can enjoy this movie.I love the Beatleness of the movie and the songs in the film will definitely be playing in your head after the movie is through.The filming is gorgeous and I love how Rebecca show's two perspective's. One...John Livien's drug dazed POV and that of everyone else.I love the friendship between John Livien (Jason Behr) and Owen (Dominic Monaghan) I'm afraid to say more, because I'll get involved and spoil everything...So If Shooting Livien comes to your town...Support this movie.Carolyn
prh666 Rebecca Cook does a wonderful job with this movie. First, I am not a Beatles fan, and even after seeing this movie I am still not. However, her direction, the locations, lighting music and especially the job of lead actor Jason Behr(Roswell, The Grudge, Happily Even After) sucks you into the narrative based movie like I haven't been engrossed in a movie in quite a while. Sarah Wynter(24) and Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Lost) both turn in great performances as well, but Behr steals the show. Along with Cook's directing, the soundtrack and the New York Set, I hope this film gets the recognition it deserves. Kudos to Velveteen films.