Shoot the Hero
Shoot the Hero
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Shoot the Hero Trailers

A 30-something couple unintentionally become involved in a botched jewel heist while shopping for wedding rings.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, the movie had potential, I will give it that much.However, and I put emphasis on however, the movie failed to deliver.The nice part of the movie was that you saw different sides of the story as the came together, although a bit too far out there at times, but still it was what worked best for the movie.Another nice thing about the movie was the music and score, very nice choice of music that went quite well with the movie.As for the cast and their acting. Well don't expect award winning performances here, because you will be sorely disappointed. Now, some parts of the movie actually came off quite alright, but other parts were bordering on being annoying to watch or just downright irritating.The storyline is fairly easy to follow, though it is suffering from some flaws and some parts that were just too hard to digest or fully believe in."Shoot the Hero" failed to captivate me, and I was left bored about three-quarters into the movie. I almost gave up on it, but stuck through with it, just for the sake of finishing it. This is not the type of movie that I will be returning to again for a second time. Once was more than enough.In overall, the movie was well-intended but it failed to shine and failed to come through in a plausible manner. There are far better and far more interesting movies on the market, play it safe and put your money on something else.
parimal rohit Sesma is onto something with his tale of Nate, Kate, the Smith Brothers, Crazy Joe, Franklin, Grant, and a band of misfits raising havoc in what appears to be the middle of nowhere.With over-the-top action sequences and adult-like crude humor of some savory and not-so-savory folks alike, Shoot the Hero is a fun, wham-bam- thank-you-ma'am, edge-of-your-seat ride that will easily become an instant cult-classic with a cerebral bent.Overall, each of the main characters are rather interesting, with each of their stories told at a grippingly fast pace, reminding moviegoers of a similar gangster-crime saga of a cult classic in El Mariachi.
bmbrady5 New to IMDb, this film caught my attention, surprisingly. My wife and I happened to see this in a Boston film festival back in April. Cool cast, we love "that Mexican guy", who I know now as Machete. I had to say we really had a fun time with it. We stayed for the q&a with the film's leading lady, who was very nice and pretty and the director. Big surprise was the films' budget, which was nothing, and the other cool ways on how it got made. Nonetheless, people will mistake SHOOT THE HERO as an action film like the Losers or something, but we know it as an independent film that was funny too. Good time...oh and Jay and Silent Bob actor, Jason, was really great.
Nick Damian There once was a movie and it started of had potential. It had promise, but then 10 minutes in, it had taken a turn somewhere that you would not expect it to go.It turned into a plot less, pointless, boring movie with characters that offer little and a plot that offers even less.3 stories which were supposed to merge into 1 - where none of them developed anything more than a mild interest in the beginning and a fizzle shortly after.This was a movie that was free and I appreciated that, because had I paid, I would have been let down AGAIN!