NR | 16 October 2012 (USA)
Shenandoah Trailers

An epic feature documentary about a coal mining town with a fiery immigrant heritage, once pivotal in fueling America’s industrial revolution and today in decline and struggling to survive and retain its identity, soul and values – all of which were dramatically challenged when four of the town’s white, star football players were charged in the beating death of an undocumented Mexican immigrant named Luis Ramirez. Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer David Turnley’s most personal work, SHENANDOAH creates a deeply felt portrait of a working class community, and the American Dream on trial.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
pensacolacomputer Very important subject...yet could have easily been a 30 minute documentary. It would go on and on about things that had NOTHING to do with the main subject. Someone please edit this, and it would easily get 10 stars from me, but instead it gets 5 stars for wasting over an hour of my time.
Tss5078 Ask yourself a question, what if a loved one was brutally killed, but you were the only one who cared about getting justice for the victim? That was the reality in the small town of Shenandoah, Pennsylvania in 2008, when a migrant worker was killed in a hate crime. Shenandoah is one of those small towns, where everyone knows everyone else, most people even work in the same place, but recently, things had been changing. Migrate workers had been brought in to keep the failing factories open, and the citizens of the flailing town were losing their jobs. One night some drunk teenagers were joking around, but to a recent arrival to this country, who didn't speak the language or know the culture, it looked like something else. As he confronted the teens, they proceeded to assault him, shouting racial slurs in one of the worst assaults the town had ever seen, and when the dust had settled, the worker was dead. After a brief investigation, the police linked the crime to several football players and charged them with minor crimes, but the town wasn't outraged, in fact, as this documentary explores, most of the townspeople actually approve of what the police did! This documentary is utterly shocking, taking us through the crime and investigation, while giving us a look at both sides from the towns reaction to the man's fiancée and the very few outsiders who actually faced threats and harassment, simply for asking that justice be served. Does this kind of thing really still happen in the United States? According to this documentary, the small town racist, gang, mentality is still alive and well, and it's closer than you think. Fighting it isn't as simple as going online and telling people about it either. The documentary was truly shocking, not just because of the ages of the boys involved, but for the sheer fact that these people thought they were justified in what they had done, and by how the react to anyone who tries to tell them differently.
k malt well done documentary that, for the most part, just lets the camera roll while people reveal themselves. you know it's a good film when you immediately start researching it after watching. i read many reviews and commentaries after watching the film as i had many questions that were not explored by the filmmakers. some were merely missing scene- setters like giving a clear name and picture of each person from the start as i was confused at times as to who was who. some people were identified, but others not so well. (i find the misidentification of the victim's last name by some reviewers lamenting how he had been dehumanized to be ironic given that the assailants themselves didn't know his name for sure). other omissions, i think, were subtle clues as to the filmmaker's attitude. the victim himself was somewhat dehumanized by the director's decision to give almost no background about him other than that he came to the US for economic reasons and had a family, here and in Mexico. it appears he was (but it is very hard to confirm this - i don't know) in violation of immigration law. the filmmaker's official website does actually mention "undocumented" once, but this is not obvious. i understand why that fact was purposely left out as this film is about racism and senseless behavior, not public policy. however, even the film itself eventually specifically asks why people act/feel the way they do - just because? learned from environment? taught that way by their parents/community? etc...? public policy has a lot to do with shaping our worldview. in real life, the "story" is not made up carte blanche in a vacuum, unmoored by any past circumstances.i am not trying to offend anyone and am not "blaming the victim", but rather - i think this is a missed opportunity to try to explain what is an aspect of why there is such a strong current of resentment towards immigrants, especially Hispanics, in the US: the flagrant violation of US law combined with the (seeming) failure to want to be an "American" (whatever that means). the speaking of the predominant language of a country (that would be English in the US - i know - my "i"s are not capitalized, nor are the beginnings of sentences - i'm spoiled by iOS) is a sign of efforts to assimilate. the reviewers excoriating the "USA! USA!" rally i guess just don't get this. if one wanted to successfully live for years in Mexico one had better learn Spanish real quick. we are given no indication how the victim lived his life, other than he had a girlfriend. we have no idea how he fit into the community that is being revealed to us. there is little attempt by the filmmakers to explore how pervasive "Hispanic" culture and language actually are in Shenandoah, or how "assimilated" recent immigrants are. there is no mention of any problems with integration of African-Americans or any other minority group. we are left with an avoidable tragedy of a clique of drunken teenage boys beating up a seemingly random Hispanic man badly enough that he dies and the conclusion that the police really didn't care and possibly purposefully undermined an attempt at getting to the truth of what happened. the film seemed to be an indictment of the whole town without showing us the 'whole' town.i remain confused about the final sentences and "justice" meted out. there is not really a satisfying "wrap-up" given, even if it were to just be a scrolling summary with the end-credits. very little of the actual trial was presented. part of the subtitle is "... the American Dream on Trial". what? where'd that come from? there was no attempt to define "the American Dream". in fact, you could say the victim had an Dream and it ended with his murder. i do think that if you approach this documentary as an attempt to focus very narrowly on a small town, how its fortunes have changed, and its individuals and overall "culture", then you will be somewhat satisfied, but there remain large gaps in the picture we are presented. the demolition of the town's old Catholic Church was nice reality/symbolism. i just felt a larger opportunity had been missed by the narrow focus. the power of this film is the decision to focus mostly on just letting people speak for themselves. even the woman with the microphone at the "USA Rally" felt compelled to admonish the more radical shouters in the crowd.i was left with many competing thoughts and emotions regarding the mentality and behavior of many of the people (and our society) in the film. this is probably why i felt strongly enough to offer a review - not something i do very often. this speaks to the power of the film: to give the viewer pause, and stimulate some reflection, both of self and of "tradition". one is left to once again ponder, like the main cooperating perpetrator, how such a tragedy happens ... there are no simple explanations and few people are really very self-aware, teenagers and adults alike ... concluding "they're just a bunch of racists" might be true, but fails to enlighten anyone as to the "why", and thus fails to offer any hopeful analysis or suggestions for how our society can minimize such mindsets and i stumbled on another tragic documentary yrs ago on PBS late one night, it is now posted on Vimeo: i highly recommend: "Unless a Death Occurs" by Anjalika Sharma. hazing death at Plattsburgh State. it gives a good comparison for how "active" an interview type documentary might be.
elcasserino The film opens up to the sound of fire engines and the squeals of children that evokes a kind of ominous feeling that foretells the direction of the film. We witness a parade of people celebrating the coming holiday season in this very small and outdated coal mining town in west Pennsylvania. This documentary is surprisingly filmed in 2012 even though one gets the feeling of being transported back to 1995. This community of people comes from a long line of very proud Polish and Irish immigrants. The hypocrisy of the film is that they are very opposed to the current movement of Hispanic immigrants into their small town, Shenandoah. Their racial views come into the spot light when the film centers in on an incident that had happened in the town. The director depicts the crime scene like a horror film leaving you on suspense. The dark images of the murder scene where a group of boys from the local football team beat a man of Mexican descent to death send chills through the audience. The viewer gets an inside look to the thoughts of one of the convicted murderers, Brian Scully who speaks as a naïve young boy. Throughout the movie you are conflicted with your feelings toward him as he seems to be a product of his environment held under pressure during the moments of the crime. Though he feels remorse for his actions, one is still unsure of how much he has learned. The film proceeds to show how this crime has affected the convicted, the families involved, and the town as a whole. The audience learns of the family of Luis Ramirez and the obstacles they have dealt with while living in America. The films juxtaposes Mr. Ramirez's home town in Mexico to Shenandoah to show the audience how similar the two towns are despite their cultural differences. One of the most compelling parts of the documentary are the scenes from a local protest, where community member's ferociously yell their opposing views on immigration and other racial ethnicities that seem to have "taken over" their town. The constant intolerance from the people of Shenandoah makes the audience understand how racial discrimination is still an issue in the United States. The director seems to have a reason for every style choice and organizational decision involved with the production of the film that makes the experience cohesive and interesting. Overall I feel this film does a great job of creating a compelling and objective view point for the viewer to create their own opinions.