Shaolin Soccer
Shaolin Soccer
PG | 02 April 2004 (USA)
Shaolin Soccer Trailers

A young Shaolin follower reunites with his discouraged brothers to form a soccer team using their martial art skills to their advantage.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
CinemaClown Martial arts in cinema often have this tendency to go way over-the-top in its depiction and it pretty much ruins the whole picture for me, especially if this exaggerated action is present in movies that take their drama seriously.It is no secret that I prefer films that display martial arts in a highly realistic & grounded fashion. In short, movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are a big no for me while I'm game for action extravaganzas like The Raid.Even in comedies, this stylised illustration of martial arts doesn't work all the time since majority of them are busy spoofing kung fu instead of weaving a funny tale around it. And that's exactly what separates Shaolin Soccer from the norm.Shaolin Soccer does blow its martial arts aspect out of proportion but it retains the very essence of it. Despite the film's batshit crazy premise and absurd slapstick wit, the film brims with so much heart & warmth that it remains a joyful experience from start to finish.The story of Shaolin Soccer follows a former Shaolin monk who wants to bring kung fu to the masses but has been unable to find a way that works. However, after meeting with an ex-soccer star, he decides to promote kung fu through soccer and gets back in touch with all his brothers to form a superhuman team.Co-written & directed by Stephen Chow, the film is hilarious as hell from beginning to end and qualifies more as a comedy than spoof. Also, thanks to Chow's skillful writing, it packs in a genuinely heartfelt story beneath its utterly ridiculous premise, and even its characters are worthy of emotional investment. Well, at least a couple of them.Visual effects play a key role in realising its most unbelievable moments on screen and while the CGI looks a bit cartoonish, it still adds to the film's overall craziness. Additional momentum is provided by its splendid camera-work, swift pacing & thrilling score, and the maniacal contribution from its entire cast further strengthens its position.On an overall scale, Shaolin Soccer is an absolute bonkers of a movie that promises its viewers an overdose of laughter and effortlessly provides it. A rollicking ride that benefits from its kinetic direction, ebullient screenplay, lively camera-work, stimulating score & outlandish performances, this sports comedy works because its heart is at the right place.
hjbuhrkall I remember watching this movie when it hit theaters 15 years ago and I remember it as a quite good movie. By experience I know that childhood memories of movies tend to be a bit better than reality, so naturally I was a bit cautious when I decided to revisit Shaolin-Soccer last night. Luckily this is not the case, because this movie is still quite good! I'm not really into movies about sports, martial arts or love, so for me this mixture of soccer and martial arts, sided with a somewhat subtle love story, and topped off with a pinch of goofy humor, creates an refreshingly original and interesting movie about those same subjects. I'm pretty sure I don't always understand the Chinese form of humor, and most likely some of it is also lost in the subtitles as well… but still, it makes me smile, and it makes me cheer for the good guys! In every sense of the words, a movie easy to watch, and easy to enjoy.
nonprofitgnome1 Shaolin Soccer is a very quirky movie. I can't say I have seen anything else like it before. The movie has a very basic premise. An ex-soccer player gathers up a rag tag group of players and coaches them to win a tournament against all odds. It's a premise that has been done to death in many sports movies but this is the first time I have seen it infused with Kung Fu.The Kung Fu adds a lot of fun. As cheesy as the special effects are, it still makes the movie more enjoyable on the whole. I do however think they over did it with the juvenile jokes. There were funny parts but many times I just couldn't understand how they thought they were being funny (women with facial hair for no reason at all).Ultimately its not a bad movie but it's not one I would watch again and again. I wouldn't say you must be a soccer fan to enjoy this movie, but I think it definitely helped me enjoy it.
Boba_Fett1138 Combining soccer with kung fu, what an odd but yet at the same time logical and humorous idea. It's a combination that works out well for this movie, that you of course shouldn't take serious in any way.It's a really over-the-top movie with all of its action and humor. It's what makes this movie basically some perfect good, light, entertainment to watch. But it at the same time also makes this a quite simplistic movie, that doesn't has much to offer story-wise and because of its simplicity also never rises above the level of simply good.But this doesn't really matter when watching this movie, fore no one will of course watch this movie for its story or realism. When watching this movie you'll surely have a good time and you don't necessarily have to be familiar with soccer or Asian cinema or kung fu movies in general because this movie has basically nothing to do with soccer or kung fu. It doesn't follow any rules or logical and makes up its own stuff, which is actually one of the movie its strongest points. It's unlike anything you have ever seen before, in terms of its action and entertainment.What this movie mostly does is using "The Matrix" techniques for all of its action, applied to the games of soccer that are played throughout this movie. So you could call this a "The Matrix" spoof, though it's more making fun of the entire kung fu movie genre, by using the "The Matrix" techniques and effects. But at the same time the movie still manages to feel like a fresh and original enough movie on its own. All of the soccer games are done quite creatively but even when no games are being played the movie still manages to be a fun and entertaining watch, which is also thanks to some good and likable characters that are all in it.Biggest mystery of this movie is why there never was a sequel. This movie was an huge success at the time, globally and is still a quite popular movie to watch now days. It's one of the few movies I wouldn't had minded seeing getting a sequel. There is still plenty of stuff to explore and put into a second movie, without becoming a tiresome one or a simple rehash of the first movie. Surely there is still plenty of good and creative stuff to be shown during all of its soccer games.Perfect, harmless, family entertainment!7/10