Shadow on the Land
Shadow on the Land
| 04 December 1968 (USA)
Shadow on the Land Trailers

Patriotic freedom fighters struggle against a fascist dictatorship in a near-future USA.

Steineded How sad is this?
HeadlinesExotic Boring
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
MartinHafer in light of USA in 1968, not that far-fetched--less crazy than wild in the streetsIf you see this film and do not understand its context, you'll likely miss something. Back when the film was made in 1968, the United States (as well as France and in a few other countries) there was civil unrest. On one hand, you had traditionalists...very conservative in their views and trusting of the government. On the other, there were the hippies, liberals and others who not only distrusted the government, but some of them actively sought to destroy it. These radicals were not huge in number but had a huge impact on folks in the first group--folks who would have longed for a government crackdown on 'those sorts of folks'. It's actually pretty amazing we made it through these times...and so a film in which the US becomes a fascist-style nation isn't that surprising for 1968. In fact, another similar though VERY outlandish film came out also in 1968, "Wild in the Streets"...a film in which hippies and teens took over and sent all the older folks to concentration camps! Again...considering the times, you could understand the films--though "Wild in the Streets" is a bit silly if you see it today. On the other hand, "Shadow on the Land" TRIES to be more plausible--more a look at what actually cold occur in America sometime in the near future.When the film begins, a repressive fascist government is in place. However, there is resistance and the film concerns an undercover resister who is working for the Security branch of the regime. In this position, he's able to try to help an escaped prisoner--a Colonel who refuses to knuckle under to the oppressive demands of the government. Additionally, he needs to find out what secret this Colonel has..something which turns out to be akin to the Nazis burning the Reichstag in order to usher in a stronger, more repressive government. This is a very interesting film and I appreciate that the fascists are NOT portrayed as Nazis...that would have made it seem comical and ridiculous. Instead, it's an interesting look where the country MIGHT end up going if we aren't careful. The film, incidentally, would have made an interesting TV series. And, it sure looked like a pilot episode...with its dangling plot and many questions still waiting to be answered. Well worth seeing and thought provoking.Among the stars in the film, two interesting ones are John Forsyth, as he plays a truly evil sort of character and Gene Hackman as a pusillanimous one of his earlier roles.
dnyknot I too saw this movie , twice , I was living in Berkely Ca. and was about 20 years old . At the time James Rector had just been killed by the police , we had riots in the street , the weathermen , Black Panthers ,SDS and others , these were our call to unite it never happened , at least not on a scale that the movie suggest . It was almost real ,I remember watching this with my father , both times being the far thinker he was , it made him shiver it was that real . What has happened to this movie , does the government control the movie industry ? .I wonder if finding a copy of the book is possible ( Sinclair Lewis ) or has that too been banned in the name of Freedom . Soon I will leave this country and go live in another , I know it matters not , all government's are corrupt , or perhaps live in a small town in the mountains . This movie forever changed my life and made me aware of how corrupt and immoral the US really has become. Will Rogers or mother Teresa never watched this movie .Any one with a copy please contact me , so I can show my grandchildren that we were warned .d
Indigo00 This is a prophetic made for TV movie (first shown in 1968), particularly in light of current events in the US (2006).It is basically about a rebel group fighting a fascist government that has taken over the US. The airport scenes are a bit eerie now and the creation of the new federal police force as authorized in the Patriot Act sure looks like the Internal Security Force in the movie.No wonder this movie as not seen the light of day in years...If you want your paranoia level to go up, watch this movie and think about todays events...I AM LOOKING FOR A COPY OF THIS MOVIE. Email me at
harveyhharris I saw this movie on the ABC network movie on Friday night. I was just out of high school. I had always been interested in becoming futurist. Read many books and articles on how our futures will be if we are not mindful. This movie was so in time with the times. Even now if it were should it would makes us so aware of our freedoms and how much we take them as a matter of fact. It had a documentary feel to it. Marc Strange had a troubled feel of a man doing a job that it hated and saw it as being wrong. The powers that be had cut the links that make it answerable to it's citizens. I statement from the "Killers Elite:There is no government any where in the world that gives a damn about the people that it is suppose to service" This movie written before big government got married to high tech is a look into where we are on our way. It was a warning that I have never fail to me mindful of. I highly recommend, hippies where not just trouble makes they saw something that others didn't. If you get a chance rent it, study it, compare it to now, and remember always be mindful.