Sex Up Your Life!
Sex Up Your Life!
| 24 March 2005 (USA)
Sex Up Your Life! Trailers

Ziege, Häschen and Max have now moved to Berlin for studying. They ain't got no money till the mystic plant reappears. Soon they have enough money for champagne, a penthouse and a nice car. But everyone's got private problems. Häschens girlfriend Valerie is in Sevilla, Max is too shy to go into Berlin's gay-clubs and Ziege is in love with the girlfriend of a manager of a big company. But being very boyish they don't just sell the SexUp pills, but also use them for themselves. Of course the old problems reappear.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Horst in Translation ( "Sex up your life!" (I won't mention the German title here because of all the correction spelling suggestions) is a German 90-minute movie from 2005 and this one came out two years after the first "Sex Up" film. The director and one of the writers is once again Florian Gärtner and this film here is still among his most known today, way over a decade later, and this probably says nothing positive about him as a filmmaker. The actors are also many familiar faces from the first film. And the story is also pretty similar, at least in the second half. But lets talk about that one later. The first half here is actually slightly superior to the first movie. This does not mean it was good though. The entire first film was complete garbage and the first half here is just uninteresting. So I was tempted to give this more than one star out of five. But then the second half happened and it is basically an equally weak copy of the entire first film. It is again very much in the center of it all about a sex plant that gets everybody horny and makes them want to have wild sex with the first person they see. That joke was way overdone in the original film again, but it says a lot about creativity or the lack thereof if you recycle this exact story again in another film. So yeah, of course there is romance included again too, but it's hopeless because you never feel about the characters. In addition, we get stupid Anton aus Tirol references (the song isn't even as bad as your film here guys), discrimination against beer without alcohol and pretty low pick-up lines by the oh so likable male protagonist that of course work on the oh so likable female protagonist. Really no words for the quality here. But what can you expect when Thorsten Feller plays the main antagonist? Not much for sure. Of course you can only blame him to an extent and same goes for several other actors, especially Hoecke, but you also need to keep in mind that they accepted this crappy script and did not say no knowing very well they cannot give good performances with what they are given here. So yeah, all in all, this film was a massive failure that honestly never should have been made after the abysmal quality of the first film. But I guess it was financially successful enough for a follow-up project. Shame on you guys. This duology is probably Matschenz' weakest. Stay far far away or watch it if you loved the first, but then I guess there is no help left for you.
Sarah Costa Being rather skeptic concerning sequels I was positively surprised. This film is nearly as good as the first one. Ziege, Häschen and Max have now moved to Berlin for studying. They ain't got no money till the mystic plant reappears. Soon they have enough money for champagne, a penthouse and a nice car. But everyone's got private problems. Häschens girlfriend Valerie is in Sevilla, Max is too shy to go into Berlin's gay-clubs and Ziege is in love with the girlfriend of a manager of a big company. But being very boyish they don't just sell the SexUp pills, but also use them for themselves. Of course the old problems reappear. Funny, lovely sequel.
smoothhoney1265 The problem with sequels is that the ideas from Part One don't work in Part Two, Three etc. because they're not new. And unfortunately in sequels the old ideas are mixed with a stupid plot. All this proves once again with "Sex Up – Ich könnt' schon wieder", the sequel from hit comedy "Sex Up – Jungs haben's auch nicht leicht".We remember: In "Sex Up 1", three mates (Ziege, Sven and Häschen) discovered a plant which needs rubbish to grow and which produces a highly effective aphrodisiac. Now, in "Sex Up 2" the three friends (Sven is replaced by Max, Sven's ex-boyfriend) live and study in Berlin. One day, when there is really no money left – guess what they discover in the garbage? Now, as this is a sequel: Do the friends experience the same mistakes as in part one? Do they experience even more stupid things? Is water wet? While the three protagonists had character and wit in Part One, here they are simply reduced to idiots (well, two idiots and a gay sex maniac). Plus: The producers make the same mistake as those who did "Bridget Jones 2": They repeat exactly the same jokes and funny situations that were so hilarious in Part One and you watch it thinking: I saw exactly the same jokes in "Sex Up 1", why should I bother at all? This movie is just bad and a waste for actors like André Kaminski. I guess when he thinks back one day and remembers making this movie, he will only have one excuse for it: I was young and needed the money.