Serial Lover
Serial Lover
| 22 April 1998 (USA)
Serial Lover Trailers

Claire Doste is about to reach the age of 35 and has everything one dreams of, such as having four boyfriends and a creative job in a publishing house specialising in crime novels. One day, she invites all of her boyfriends to her birthday dinner so that she can pick out her would-be fiancé. But an accident happens when Claire is getting the dinner ready.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
dal95acn Wow! Late last night I turned on TV and found myself 35 minutes into a French movie. Just when I was about to switch channels, it started to get really interesting. Unfortunately I don't know how the movie starts, but from the middle it is action all the way and the plot takes so many new turns one thinks this was the fruit of a writers' relay, if you see what I mean. The absurdity made me think of Peter Sellers' "Oh what a party" or how it is called.This is a movie I might recommend to friends - not all friends, but those who have the right kind of humor.BTW, I wonder if the character ever got herself a new man..
liou This film was shown as a premiere during a French cinema festival in Amsterdam. The summary in the guide said something about the film being similar to Pulp Fiction and John Long Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and that's how far I got reading.You can imagine I didn't expect what I was going to see, but it amused me anyway. The humor is very black and very gory, so this is no movie for the faint-hearted ones. If you don't mind this, you can do nothing but laugh at the absurd, Funes-like situations caused by the main character. The plot is quite original and undergoes unexpected twists, which with the great special effects (both visual and aural) give the film a certain freshness. This did me remind of Pulp Fiction.I was sitting with about ten people in the theater, but I can assure we had the time of our lives, laughing at the absurd but funny atrocities throughout the film!
Petal-2 I really enjoyed every minute of this movie. If you like black humor you won't stop laughing. Also the soundtrack and the camera positions are special and interesting.
Schmoffi I saw this movie as a "Sneak Preview", where the audience did not know which movie would be shown; a lot of people left during the first half, but those who stayed seemed to have quite a lot of fun (I did). If you are offended by the Monty-Python kind of blood and gore, you probably shouldn't see it.The movie starts with Claire accidentally murdering four men, her former fiance acute;s; this takes place in various bizarre ways (one of the guys spends most of the time with the blade of an ice skate sticking in his head, after being strangled with a telephone cord). For the rest of the time, she is occupied covering her deeds, and coping with the dozens of party guests her sister pops up with, always on the brink of breaking down.After 15 Minutes I thought it couldn't possibly go on at that pace, but it did, for the full 90 minutes. If the body count was a bit lower, you would probably employ the term "screwball comedy". If you happen to know "Four Rooms", try to imagine a 90 minute version of the Banderas and Tarantino sequences at double speed, and you'll get the idea.