A Shot in the Dark
A Shot in the Dark
PG | 23 June 1964 (USA)
A Shot in the Dark Trailers

Inspector Jacques Clouseau, smitten with the accused maid Maria Gambrelli, unwittingly turns a straightforward murder investigation into a comedic series of mishaps, testing the patience of his irritable boss Charles Dreyfus as casualties mount.

GazerRise Fantastic!
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
moonbus69 I love all the Pink Panther films that actor Peter Sellers starred in, as Inspector Clouseau. Of those, this has been my favorite film of all. It is funny in each and every scene... there is not one wasted minute in this movie! It is a real sad shame, that The Oscars do not give out many awards for Comedy films and actors. Being funny on camera is a rare gift and talent... and Peter Sellers had it in spades! He certainly showed a genius for looking completely natural, while being LOL funny at the same time... He was brilliant in Kubrick's "Doctor Strangelove", but in this film, Peter sellers soared to such hilarious heights as only he could fly! God Bless you, Mr. Sellers, wherever you are... and a very heartfelt "Thank-You!" (and another Thank-You! to director Blake Edwards, for this film, and also "The Great Race"). Lastly, to Ms. Elke Sommer - "You are so beautiful!" - now and forever!
paulijcalderon That's more like it! The sequel to "The Pink Panther" drops the persona and the theme of the famous pink tinted panther and instead shifts the focus to our dear Inspector Clouseau. It's great because now we can follow the case better. The last film had the criminal on the display at all times explaining his plan. Here there's finally some mystery because we have no idea who the killer is. So when the Inspector arrives on the scene, we are immediately with him on solving the case. "I suspect everyone, and I suspect no one." The situations and lines are way funnier compared to the original. The inspector is clueless like always, but here and there he does get things right. There this nice balance of clumsy and clever in a very like-able way.Peter Sellers gets to go all out. He shows of his wonderful comedic timing and delivers every line of dialogue naturally with a fantastic level of confidence. I'm a little surprised that you never hear the original theme that we are all so used to. We get another similar sounding theme. So it's a different "Pink Panther" movie and I enjoyed it. As soon as I thought the pacing was starting to drag it picked up right away. There are no long stretches of dull scenes. The finale was my favorite part. It's the classic moment where we have all the suspects lined up and the the detective is gonna go through the clues and say who he thinks did it. I'm not gonna say anything else because I don't wanna spoil the surprises. Take a look if you can and inspect the unexpected.
Hitchcoc Else Sommer is the woman in Clouseau's life. She is caught red handed about six times. Someone has died and she is standing over them. It doesn't matter because he refuses to think she had anything to do with the murders. Herbert Lom plays Cloueau's long suffering boss who is always answerable for his bumbling detectives faux pas. Then there is Kato who has been trained to attack his boss at the most inopportune times. Eventually, he bumbles his way into the center of the action because he is always successful in spite of himself. Lom ends up a basket case (probably weaving them in an institution). What I love the most is the hilarious speech pattern of Clouseau, calling a bomb a "bim." Great performance by Peter Sellers in the best of the Pink Panther movies.
Adam Peters (90%) Perhaps the most funny murder mysteries to hit cinema featuring Peter Sellers in brilliant form as the world's most clumsy police officer. Out of all the Pink Panther movies this is the most playfully cartoonish (in a good way) with visits to a nudist colony leading to Clouseau to wander around in the nip with only a guitar to cover his modesty, and the part in which he is undercover as a hunter is strait from the animated series; and it all works so well. The romantic elements are also very well handled giving Cluseau another layer of character rather than simply keeping him as simple, foolish clown. This one of the very best comedy movies out there, and a high mark in the series.