Sergeants 3
Sergeants 3
| 10 February 1962 (USA)
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Mike, Chip, and Larry are three lusty, brawling U. S. Cavalry sergeants stationed in Indian Territory in 1870.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Lawbolisted Powerful
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Michael Pendragon Re-envisioning George Stevens' classic "Gunga Din" as a western seems like an obvious choice for director John Sturges, whose classic "The Magnificent Seven" of two years before was a similar transposition of Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai." The geographic switch not only renders the story more accessible to American audiences, but provides for a more credulous (if historically inaccurate) set of villains (the Lakota Ghost Dancers). More importantly the change of setting allows for a more direct commentary on race relations the United States, which is unfortunately softened in its impact due to the story's compromised ending.It's clear, though never directly stated, that Sergeant Merry's (Frank Sinatra's) refusal to allow ex-slave Jonah Williams to join his troop (even as a civilian stable boy) is due to the segregated military policies of the time. Had the film held to the original scenario, wherein Williams/Din sacrifices his life in preventing a massacre of the troops his is arbitrarily barred from being a member of, the film might be held in greater critical esteem. Williams' martyrdom would also have raised the film, like its original, to the level of a socio-serio tragi- -comedy.The happy ending fails on several levels, since the "resurrection" of Jonah Williams after having received a spear wound to his midsection, and an arrow to his shoulder places a strain on credibility, and his subsequent induction into the military racially integrates the U.S. Military roughly 75 years prior to its historical counterpart. This fairytale desegregation in turn negates any social statements the film had hinted at prior to that point in the narrative; effectively blunting the film's message and turning it into a harmless, throwaway western comedy-adventure.Even so, the end result remains an enjoyable two hours' entertainment. Sturges' direction provides from some exciting action sequences, and plenty of breathtaking Panavision vistas filmed in Bryce Canyon. One memorable touch is the offscreen death of the telegraph operator in the film's opening scene: Sturges cuts from a shot of the Indians slowly advancing toward the operator to a shot of the telegraph operator on the receiving end as the message suddenly cuts off. Sinatra, Davis, Dean Martin, and even Peter Lawford turn in strong performances. Joey Bishop also does a good job with his more limited role as the group's comic foil.
Richard (richreed-1) Praise the Gods and Ted Turner! This rarest of the Rat Pack Movies is now being periodically carried on the TCM (Turner Classic Movies) channel during tributes to Old Blue Eyes. The DVD was set up and now I can enjoy this any time I want.I have not seen this movie since its original release at the beginning of the 60's. Since movies can't change in the can, I guess I have. Or at least my view of the world. Back then I laughed like hell at Davis' wondering-out-loud on how they got the skin off the skulls without taking the headbands off, but now I wince at the stereotype of the uneducated Negro.Also, back then, the Western was king on TV (Maverick, Cheyenne, The Restless Gun, Have Gun Will Travel, The Rebel, The Virginian, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, et al) as was military stuff (Combat!, The Gallant Men, The Blue Angels, Wackiest Ship In The Army, McHales navy, etc) so as a young lad this was the best of both worlds, a Military Western. Funny, too.But world-weary vision aside, it's still a classic Rat Packer and very enjoyable. Sinatra actually does some acting, and this is probably one of Dino's best jobs short of The Young Lions.
madiganman You will see this movie released when Walt Disney releases "Song of the South". In other words, NEVER! I enjoyed this movie when it was released. It is a classic Rat Pack movie that is not quite as good as "Oceans Eleven" or "Robin and the Seven Hoods" but still enjoyable none the less. No, not when it shows Sammy Davis Jr tap dancing and playing the trumpet at gun point to entertain a bunch of drunken cowboys. He timidly responds to their requests. Even though he WAS a fantastic dancer and trumpet player. He was one of the most gifted American entertainers of the 20th century. While Mr Davis was headlining in Vegas, he was required to accept accommodations in a rooming house on the west side of the city, rather than reside with his peers in the hotels. Not until the pendulum swings from the left towards the center and we accept the fact that the movie makers of that time were not concerned about being "Politically Correct". Their intentions were not aimed at intentionally hurting or humiliating anyone, they just didn't care if it did! I imagine there is a wealth of entertaining movies slowly rotting away in the studio vaults that will never see the light of day. This is one of them.
12Charlie This is a hilarious comedy by the Rat Pack. I saw it 40 years ago and loved it then. Was shown on t.v. back then a couple of time before being pull and shelved in Frank's vault. Everybody did a fine job. There is absolutely no excuse for it not being released out onto DVD/video. I was told that it is because of copyright infringements from the folks behind Gunga Din. If that is true then it is all alot of baloney!!!!! It's been 40 years people! It is a well done comedy. Get over it! Let this fantastic comedy be released and folks will want to come see your version to compare and everybody will be happy. I want to see this film again and I want ti release ASAP!!!!!! So do many others! I even wrote to Mrs. Sinatra and mentioned it in the letter. So, just do it and the heck with the Gunga Din whiners.