Sergeant Ryker
Sergeant Ryker
NR | 01 February 1968 (USA)
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During the Korean War Sergeant Paul Ryker is accused of defecting to Communist China and then returning to his unit as a spy. He's court-martialed and sentenced to death but his attorney believes Ryker's innocent and asks for a new trial.

RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
ctomvelu1 Superior courtroom drama set near the end of the Korean War. An Army sergeant named Ryker (Marvin) is sent by his commanding officer behind enemy lines, posing as a defector. The sergeant is eventually captured by Allied forces and jailed as a traitor. He is to be executed. His one possible alibi, that commanding officer, is now dead. A captain (Dillman) is convinced of Ryker's story, and convinces a general (Nolan) to let the Army retry Ryker, with the captain serving as his defense attorney. Great cast, including Peter Graves as a major itching to see Ryker hanged, and Murray Hamilton as a cynical officer who is convinced nothing can save Ryker. The courtroom scenes are suspenseful, and this two-part Kraft Suspense Theatre show was wisely turned into a theatrical release several years later.
thinker1691 The Korean War has been dubbed Americas's forgotten war. So many unanswered questions were buried along with the 50 thousand men who died there. Occasionally, we are treated to a play or movie which deals with that far-off, ghostly frozen graveyard. Here is perhaps one of the finest. It's called " Sergeant Ryker. " The story is of an American soldier named Sgt. Paul Ryker (Lee Marvin) who is selected for a top secret mission by his commanding officer. His task is to defect to the North Koreans and offer his services against United Nations forces. So successful is his cover, he proves invaluable to the enemy and given the rank of Major. However, he is thereafter captured by the Americans, put on trial as a traitor and spy. Stating he was ordered to defect, he sadly learns his commanding officer has been killed and has no evidence or proof of his innocence. He is convicted and sentenced to hang. However, his conviction is doubted by Capt. Young (Bradford Dillman), his prosecutor. Convincing commanding Gen. Amos Baily, (Lloyd Nolan) of his doubts, he is granted a new trial and if found guilty will be executed. The courtroom drama is top notch as is the cast which includes Peter Graves, Murray Hamilton and Norman Fell as Sgt. Max Winkler. Korea was a far off place but the possibility of convicting a Communist and hanging him hit very close to home in the 1950's. Due to its superior script and powerful message, this drama has become a courtroom Classic. Excellent viewing and recommended to all. ****
bkoganbing After Lee Marvin won his Oscar for Cat Ballou and had great critical and popular success also with Ship of Fools and The Dirty Dozen, this former two part television episode from the Kraft Suspense Theater was edited together for release as a feature film. Sergeant Ryker casts Lee Marvin in the role of a soldier who was convicted of treason during the Korean War and sentenced to hang.Sergeant Ryker could have been a whole lot better though. It has the look and feel of a made for television film, but more important than that, the editing probably left a lot out.We come into the story with Bradford Dillman who has just successfully prosecuted Marvin now having doubts about what he did. The military more than most organizations does not like to admit mistakes and Dillman's doubts are raising all kinds of problems for him and for the United States Army.Dillman has other problems as well, he's falling for Marvin's wife Vera Miles and she him. Still he persists in the quest and does get Marvin a new trial, courtesy of General Lloyd Nolan.Marvin says he was given a confidential assignment to defect and gather intelligence. Problem is that the officer who allegedly gave him that assignment was killed and no record of it was found.The trial takes an interesting turn and Dillman does a skillful job for his client. Yet the end of the movie will leave the viewer with a lot of unanswered questions.Look also for good performances from Norman Fell as the sergeant who gives Dillman some key evidence, Murray Hamilton as Dillman's good drinking buddy and prosecutor Peter Graves.
sharlyfarley The release of "Seargant Ryker" on tape was beautifully timed to take advantage of Lee Marvin's 'discovery' after 25 years of character acting. There was a brief shining moment when he won an Oscar, top billing and much better parts. However, this movie is a cobbled-together version of a two-part television drama. This drama originally served as the pilot for the series "Court Martial" which predated "JAG" by a few years. (When 'Court Martial hit the air, it was moved to WWII England, as opposed to the Korean War locale of "Ryker.") A few combat sequences were tacked on to "Ryker" make it look like an action film, which it isn't. It's a talky courtroom drama - but some of the talk is first-rate, as is BradfordDillman's performance as the reluctant defender. He's the one that's on screen most of the time, holding the plot together with the strength of baling wire. Vera Miles was always a competent actress, but never a star; she exuded a likable prettiness. If I sound mild about Miles, it's because she never moved me much. Dillman, on the other hand, did - he labored under a terrible handicap in the movies:he couldn't hide the fact that he had been to school, knew which fork to use, and was obviously bright. He was a better-than-good actor (see the underrated "Circle of Deception") and is definitely worth watching here.