Separate Lives
Separate Lives
| 08 September 1995 (USA)
Separate Lives Trailers

Tom Beckwith has just quit his job as a police officer in order to study psychology. But his professor, Lauren Porter, is more interested in his criminology abilities than in his progress in psychology. Because of traumatic circumstances during her childhood she is suffering from schizophrenia, and it looks like her other ego has just killed somebody. So Tom Beckwith tries to help her by observing her, combining his professional abilities as an ex-cop and his recently gained knowledge of psychology.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** Having just retired from the police at the young age of 40 on a full 100% disability pension Tom Beckwith, James Belushi, who seems to be, from what he goes through in the movie, in the best of health decides to become a psychiatrist to fill in his spear time taking studies at the local collage from psychology professor Lauren Porter, Linda Hamilton, who we soon find out needs to see a psychiatrist herself.Lauren is suffering from a split personality that resulted 20 years ago when she witnessed her mother being shot to pieces by someone she can't remember and feels that she in fact may have been her mom's murderer! There's also the recent murder on the beach of her friend Jane Weiss, Pat Delany, who may have known who murdered Lauren's mother and was about to go public with it! Beckwith more interest in Lauren then his studies in class takes it upon himself, with Lauren's urging, to find out what makes her tick. That by him following her after classes to find out that Lauren leads a double life as party girl and part time hooker Lena that leads him to be brutally beaten up by her Limey-British-boyfriend Keno Sykes,M.L Chapman, and his friends for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.***SPOILERS*** Still trying to get to the bottom of all this Beckwith now fully recovered takes care of business by first tracking down Keno catching him taking a shower and giving him the beating of his life for what he and his boys did to him. It's then on to business in, now as a armature psychiatrist, curing Lauren of her hang ups that have to do with her mom's murder that she somehow feels responsible for. What Beckwith gets is getting Lauren to remember who her mom's real killer was and what he did to screw up her mind in believing that she not he in fact murdered her! No really a big surprise in who really murdered Lauren's mom but a real shock in him showing up just in time, like out of nowhere, to finish off both Lauren and Beckwith, whom he shot, to keep him from being exposed as the killer. Like I said for a man with a 100% disability pension Beckwith had no trouble recovering from a savage beating and then working over one of those who beat him-Keno-so badly to the point where he ended up in traction. Beckwith also was able to recover from a gunshot wound and finish off the person who shot him by tackling him and shoving out of a two story window to his death. As for the now recovered from her guilt feeling Lauren she ended up in a mental asylum to recover from all the trauma, as a both psychology professor and hooker, that she went through in the movie.
Bezenby James Belushi is an ex-cop turned psychology student, hired by his tutor (Linda Hamilton) to monitor her behaviour, since she's been having blackouts. She's more worried about the recent murder of someone she knew, and that the murder weapon has seemingly turned up at her house. Our boy James, a widow with a daughter, sets out to find out the truth. Well, it turns out the during the day Linda is a proper college professor with morals and such like, but at night she's a scantily clad, chain smoking nympho who hangs around in nightclubs with bad actors with crap accents. She never remembers what happens the next day, so did she kill somebody during one of these blackouts?Belushi tries to get to the bottom of things, tailing Linda and getting a kicking off some people, introducing himself to the other Linda and such like. The film occasionally slides into giallo territory with a black gloved killer and references to a past trauma, and is all the better for it, and I can't fault Belushi or Hamilton, but a little more action would have been welcome. It's also quite easy to peg what's going on. Still, for folks that want to see Linda Hamilton in skimpy dresses, putting the moves on people and swearing – this is the film for you. Be warned though - this film sat in my collection for years before I got round to watching it. It's just that kind of film.
Steve Gough Not so long ago I was watching Terminator 2 on DVD and thinking "Linda Hamilton WAS the sexiest screen actress of the 1990s!". Some Hollywood high-roller obviously agreed, and tragically this unerotic, mediocre thriller was born. There is, it has to be said, a lot to be said for sweat, glycerine and extreme body-sculpting. Re-packaged as a low budget "rock chick" in rubber-band miniskirts and chromed leather jacket, Linda looks disappointingly like a what a middle-aged movie executive's secretary wears in his dreams. And whatever happened to James Belushi? A former Arnie co-star, like Linda, in the 80's he was the dependable face of action movies that couldn't afford Bruce Willis. This predictable pot-boiler is not a career high for either. James is let down by the director, often looking wooden, and Linda's split personality psychotherapist swings from a reprise of "Sarah Connor on Thorazine" in T2 to her unconvincing rock-chick alter-ego. The twist in the tail murderer is obvious from the moment "Laura's" flashbacks begin. I was ill, I was stuck in bed, and this was the most watchable thing on TV last night. Shame on me, I had a book to read, and shame on the TV schedulers too.
gridoon Nothing really noteworthy enough here to comment on; just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill, middling mystery thriller. The mystery plot keeps you watching, but it relies almost exclusively on the all-important Final Revelation of the Childhood Trauma, and when there are almost no thrills along the way, a viewer can get really impatient (even Hitchcock failed that way, in "Marnie"). James Belushi sleepwalks through his role without any zest, but Linda Hamilton gets to show off - on many occasions - her impressively "sculpted" body, and also some moderate acting talent, though the rapid transformations of her character become a little silly in the final 30 minutes. (**)
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