Seeing Allred
Seeing Allred
| 21 January 2018 (USA)
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Gloria Allred overcame trauma and personal setbacks to become one of the nation’s most famous women’s rights attorneys. Now the feminist firebrand takes on two of the biggest adversaries of her career, Bill Cosby and Donald Trump, as sexual violence allegations grip the nation and keep her in the spotlight.

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
SteverB I went into this doc with trepidation because I had always considered Gloria Allred to be a brash, loud-mouthed feminist, who had nothing to say that didn't make her money.Unlike at least one reviewer here, I can admit to being wrong AFTER actually watching the film. Gloria Allred is a fighter, and yes, she does appear on TV a lot, but there is a deeper purpose in it. She is laser focused on women's rights and getting her message out to the general public, so that change can be achieved.The documentary takes us through Gloria's fight and even some of her early life, but you can tell by watching that she doesn't really consider herself part of the story. As I said, LASER-focused on other women.To be honest, it's stunning to me that Allred is still very necessary in 2018 America, but she clearly is. Anyone who can look objectively at what's happened in and to the country in the past two years knows that. There are some that won't see it and that's to their detriment. Truth truly does set us free!So, no matter what you currently feel about Gloria Allred, watch this doc. It was well worth my time, is well put together, and I can almost guarantee that if your opinion of her has been formed from listening to others, your opinion will be changed.
rachelandres This documentary explores Allred's many supporters and detractors alike. It is an honest portrayal of an attorney who has made it her life's work to support those who have been wronged by society.Incredible film. Saw it at Sundance and the audience jumped to their feet in a standing ovation when it ended. Not to be missed.
ntheclover I had always heard her name over the years, an LA lawyer that was hired by rich and famous women to defend their rights during their day in court. This documentary gives us the peak behind the veil that Gloria has placed over her, digging in to her history and private life. Well made and well paced, we learn about the reasons Gloria is who Gloria is and why she has dedicated her life to fight for those who feel they don't have a voice loud enough to be heard. I was truly moved as this huge white man, obviously a Trump supporter, gets in the face of Gloria -who is 75 yrs old and maybe 100 lbs -and she calmly lets him yell in her face then politely proceeds to leave him virtually speechless with her calm and poignant words.
katienicholas Absolutely fantastic documentary. Showing the truth, not the media bias, behind this woman's remarkable story. If this does not resonate or appeal to you in some way, I can't help but question your agenda, or even heart and mind. Someone who fights for truth, humanity and justice in the way Gloria Allred does, all while being continually misrepresented and misinterpreted, deserves your utmost attention and this film brings you a golden opportunity to really 'see' Allred for who really she is and exactly what she stands for.The idea that she is a woman who does what she does to only pursue fame and money is complete propaganda and nonsense - anyone who falls for such fallacy is surely small-minded and fearful of what she stands for. She is an activist. And a brilliant one at that.