See You in the Morning
See You in the Morning
PG-13 | 14 April 1989 (USA)
See You in the Morning Trailers

Three years after his divorce from his model-wife is the psychologist Larry Livingstone ready for a new commitment. He falls in love with the young widow Beth who has two children. But Beth and the children are still in mourning over their dead husband and father and Larry finds it a bit difficult to penetrate their reservations. Larry himself has to deal with his ex-wife and his love for his own two kids. Slowly both Beth and the children realise that they have to go on with their lives and that they have been giving a second chance.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Holstra Boring, long, and too preachy.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Tom I enjoyed watching this. First of all, it is very good in showing family problems, so much to the saddening effect. But the actors do a solid job, and through the film there are numerous moments that lighten up the general mood and I think the atmosphere is quite balanced. The ending comes off well.I especially like the soundtrack. The music fits perfectly, also when it comes to details. For example, there is a scene with Mozart's Little Night Music (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik). This music, composed back in the 18th century, supports the acting in an impressive way. Too bad that the soundtrack loses its quality towards the end. Another con is the structure of the plot, there are some flashbacks that seem to be forced to add more tension. It does, but it is a tick too artificial.Maybe the average rating of this film is correct, maybe I don't see the reasons for which many rated the movie so poorly. But I liked it a lot and I think you will too. Give it a try, don't hesitate!
gcbartsc Along the emotional lines of "Ordinary People", but not as good a script. Good acting by Daniels, Fawcett, and a young Drew Barrymore. I was not sure where it was going until the end. At that point, you think you've got it, and then they twist again. I own it and have seen it three times. Most would be satisfied with just one viewing. gb
lindee11 This was the first film i've ever seen that addresses what a man goes through emotionally when dealing with all the ramifications of divorce, separation from his own children and blending families when he enters into a relationship with a woman with children of her own. It deals with what it must be like to assume the role of caretaker in another man's house, with another man's children while someone else is in his former home with his children. Women and children aren't the only ones who have complex feelings when families play musical homes.
Jewel-16 I thought that this movie had a very saddening effect, but i really liked the acting and you kinda get stuck in front of the Tv set, so i really recommend this movie.
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