See You in Montevideo
See You in Montevideo
| 03 March 2014 (USA)
See You in Montevideo Trailers

A football team from Belgrade, former Republic of Yugoslavia gets a chance to go to the First World Football Championship, but things get complicated along the way.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
margosanci At first I refuse to watch this movie. I wanted to save the impression about the story told in the "first Montevideo". No one could argue with that. But, then I saw the words "see you" in the movie's title, and I thought: that's reality calling all the visions, all the dreams to put up the fight with them. How long will the players stand for their team, how long will they truly play? When will they realize how big is that dream, how deceptive the illusions could be? Everybody knows that Yugoslav team didn't won the first World Cup, so they were defeated and somebody will say: they lost. So, their biggest dream didn't come true? How do we know that it was the biggest one? Maybe they've already accomplished that when they were chosen and came to Montevideo only to play football just for fun, for the love of the game... Is there some victory hidden behind the competitions, behind the money that tends to control all, behind the vanity... You'll never know if you refuse to watch, like I did, until now...
oordnaa Bad, bad movie! Lousy and inconsistent story, full of missing parts (f.e. what happened with Moša, why he "is not the same guy as he was", what happened to him on boat?).. Long story short, this movie is insult for intelligence (Tirke learned Spanish for one month on boat?!), because it has been represented as movie which will present TRUE story about what happened on the first world cup! It is kind of mix between some fairytale and Spanish/Turkish/Indian soap operas. For me, Bjelogrlić ruined his credibility earned with "Vratiće se rode". Unintelligent movie with unintelligent dialogs, unintelligent story, but, with fantastic marketing. Gave him 2 just because it is domestic movie, and it is about football, otherwise... 0 (zero)!
bakovljev9 Having recently watched the Wolf of Wall Street, the film was a wonderful reminder that not all has to be crass and vulgar. The film is full of charm and humour which I can only hope will not be lost in translation.Hollywood should view this film and realise that there is much more to cinema than obscenity mixed in with blood and guts. To have made such a film on a Balkan budget speaks volumes for the producers, director, actors and editing staff.Could there possibly be a third part - the return home.Bravo.
Novi Korisnik Can't give it a 10, but movie is great…chance to see what was the football when it was played from love to the game, and to see beginnings of interference of managers and money. Of the topic, mr. Petarmatic, at first i thought the same, wtf Serbian best position when Yugoslavia played, then I read about and saw that only Serbian players played, and Serbia has all the right to be proud of its best position in the World cup. Your comments of the Serbian aggression were not pertinent for this site, and are rather one-sided. Couple hundred thousand of Serbian people was expelled from theirs homes and killed in "Serbian aggression" so please edit your comment and keep commenting the movie only.