See Jane Run
See Jane Run
| 08 January 1995 (USA)
See Jane Run Trailers

Jane Ravenson finds herself in the middle of a grocery store with $10,000 in her coat pockets and no memory of her life or who she is. Her husband eventually finds her and she starts to believe that her family life is fine until she feels a deep, nightmarish paranoia that something is horribly and terribly wrong.

Steineded How sad is this?
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Terry This is one of the better TV movies of the 90's. I remember seeing it shortly after I read the book, and it was spot on! Even after all these years I could not get this movie out of my head. I was thrilled to recently find it on DVD.Great acting and interesting story with twists and turns. It is a shame most of the TV movies from the 1970's - 1990's are not available on DVD. There are some great movies and miniseries out there, and this is definitely one of them. You will not be able to figure out what has happened until just before it ends, which makes this movie a true surprise. If you get a chance to see this sit back and enjoy!
whpratt1 This film starts off with Joanna Kerns,(Jane Ravenson) wandering around in a grocery store and just plain looking with a blank stare at everyone in the store, she really looks like a very lost soul. As the story progresses, Jane Ravenson realizes that she has lost her memory and does not know where to go or what to do in this horrible situation. Jane finds her clothing filled with blood and lots of money in her top coat and only night wear under neither. Jane eventually finds she is married to a very rich and successful doctor named John Shea, (Dr. Michael Ravenson) who loves her very much and they also have a sweet young girl. This story will surprise you with its drama and final ending. This is a very entertaining film and excellent acting by Joanna Kerns. Enjoy.
CherryIce220 "See Jane Run" is a great book written by Joy Fielding. This movie bears so little resemblance to the book that I can't believe it! Jane finds herself in downtown Boston one day with absolutely no memory of who she is, where she is or how she got there. She finds her way to the hospital, where a very handsome, charming doctor claims her as his wife and takes her home. He's very loving and attentive and promises to do everything to help Jane regain her memory. Jane begins to have flashes of memory, but the pieces don't fit with what her husband has told her. Is there something terribly wrong or is she just emotionally and mentally unstable? Please read the book to find out. The book has absolutely no nonsense about Jane having the ability to see the future. There is a completely valid reason for her to have amnesia, and when she does remember, you won't believe it! Run, don't walk, to your nearest library or bookstore. Don't waste your time with this movie. (No offense to Joanna Kerns, who is a very good actress!)
Christopher Hewitt I like this movie because it stars Jonnah Kerns. When I was watching "See Jane Run", I was astonished at how brilliantly Jonnah Kerns acted in this movie. She is so good that it is too hard to explain. If you also like Jonnah Kerns, she plays Maggie Seaver/Malone in "Growing Pains" which is another great show. It is very funny.