Second Sight
Second Sight
PG | 03 November 1989 (USA)
Second Sight Trailers

Wills is an ex-cop who pairs up with Bobby, a wacky psychic, to form the "Second Sight Detective Agency." Bobby's clairvoyant abilities come in handy during their investigations. When a nun recruits them for a case involving car theft, they suddenly find themselves dealing with the abduction of a prominent cardinal who has a chance of becoming the next pope. Bobby's psychic powers go haywire as they pursue the case.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Elewis1195 It's not a good movie and if things like a person being able to levitate a table because he's a psychic bother you, then you might find this annoying, but it's actually a cute buddy comedy and Stuart Panking is an overly nice guy sticking up for his gifted but doesn't always fit in friend played brilliantly by Bronson Pinchot. Playing foil to the two buddies is talented John Laroquette who plays their grumpy boss.The story gets old by the end but the first hour or so of the Movie is fresh and silly and carried by the actors, Bronson especially.
Herbert Cuntwinkle Well first of all, this goes without saying this is Joel Zwick's greatest triumph as a director. Im sure you are like me and have been praying for the Joanie Loves Chachi Movie to finally get made,(its not too late by the way) but this is a close second. You have TV legends John Larroquette as a detective and Bronson Pinchot as his psychic sidekick. As you can imagine the laughs are just nonstop in this one. In fact I laughed so hard, I busted a vein in my forehead and had to be rushed to the emergency room. Don't worry, I am doing fine now. Lucky for me, decorative head bands are back in style to cover it up. I have one with a red sun on it, like in Karate Kid. My headband is named Carlos and I feel it when I wear it I have the power to do anything I want in this world. But I digress. Second Sight is the funniest movie I have ever seen... ever. I am sure you agree with me in that 1989 was the vintage year for comedy motion pictures. This movie is the pinnacle! My only complaint is that I think it would have been funnier with Richard Moll and Mark Lynn Baker. Those were the funny ones. I also would have included Mindy Cohn as the romantic lead in that. I think a love scene with Richard Moll, Mark Lynn Baker, and Mindy Cohn would have been HOT. It would be like Doom Generation kinda, but different. I was also surprised how amazing the special effects were considering the small budget. Made Titanic look like Land of the Lost. Thats not a bad idea by the way. I can see the Sleestacks trying to hold on to Chaka as Chaka drowns in the freezing cold water after the boat sinks. You heard it here first Hollywood! I will sue if you steal that idea! I swear I will! I also would like to see more movies have tacos. I really enjoy tacos and you do not see many people eat them in movies. Something to consider... So if you want the funniest movie of all time, Second Sight is for you. I suggest going out and purchasing it right now. Trust me, it will not leave your VHS player for years to come.
Amy Adler Wills (John Larroquette) and Bobby (Bronson Pinchot) are two parts of a ghostbusters type detective agency. The third member, Dr. Preston, is there to keep Bobby under control. That's because Bobby not only channels a man from beyond named Murray, he can also predict future events. Wills is often disgusted with Bobby, for Bob is a bit uncouth and beyond weird. When a Catholic cardinal and pretty church lady are kidnapped, it is up to these three to find them. Helping them along is Sister Elizabeth (Bess Armstrong) who just happens to be Murray's ex-girlfriend! What fun! Will the quartet be able to find the missing folks in time? This is not a large budget film and the script is wandering at times. Nevertheless, viewers could do worse than spend some time with the movie. The cast is great, with Pinchot a standout as the unorthodox Bobby. Armstrong and Larroquette are also quite funny. Who would not love a scene in a car where Bobby, intrigued by the cigarette lighter, ends up playing hot potato with the other two detectives? Now, that's inspired. If you love silly nonsense, and who doesn't, rent this for a night or catch it on late night television. You will be able to make the world's problems disappear, as you chuckle your way into oblivion.
tfrizzell Oh my goodness this is a terrible film that feels long even though it is not (83 minutes). Television stars John Larroquette ("Night Court") and Bronson Pinchot ("Perfect Strangers") prove that they cannot handle anything that lasts longer than 30 minutes. They also have trouble with a dreadful screenplay and non-existent direction. The film deals with two detectives who use a mystic to solve a crime. Do yourself a favor and avoid this one at all costs. Turkey (0 out of 5 stars).