Season of the Hunted
Season of the Hunted
R | 01 January 2003 (USA)
Season of the Hunted Trailers

Hillbillies with internet access use a website to lure sportsmen to their isolated cabin with the promise of cheap room and board, then release them into the woods and hunt them.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Woodyanders Rugged Vietnam veteran mechanic Frank (an intense and excellent performance by Muse Watson), his amiable firefighter buddy Steve (a likable turn by Timothy Gibbs), wiseguy Al (Lou Martini, Jr.), eager young Lenny (Wass Stevens), and smartaleck Charlie (an amusingly sharp-tongued Tony Travis) run afoul of a vicious family of crazed cannibal hillbillies while embarking on a hunting expedition in the deep woods. Director Ron Sperling relates the absorbing story at a steady pace, maintains a suitably tough and gritty no-nonsense tone throughout, and punctuates the grisly story with startling moments of extremely raw and gruesome in-your-face violence. Phillip "Chick" Faicco's script may be trite, but it still possesses the right wicked ingredients to make for a pleasingly harsh and hard-edged Grade B fright flick. The game no-name cast all deliver acceptable performances. The main characters are well-drawn and engaging. The rednecks are a colorful bunch of sick hick degenerates: Matthew Cowles as grizzled patriarch Mitch, Raynor Scheine as the drawling, laid-back Roy, Patrick Cooley as hulking, boastful chromedome brute Jed, Peter Linari as creepy mute Ben, Lorin Donadio as sexy spitfire Bobbi-Jo, Jefferson Slinkard as the scraggly Wilbur, and Duke Valenti as leering behemoth Jimbo. Ben Dolphin's effectively grainy cinematography and the funky, syncopated score by Ed Terry and Ron Sperling both do the trick. Better still, there's a handy helping of ghastly gore and a decent smattering of gratuitous female nudity and soft-core sex. While this picture starts out really slow and talky, it kicks into thrilling gear once the hunt is underway and overall rates as a welcome and refreshing departure from the usual teens in jeopardy fare. A cool little low-budget horror outing.
meagi22 OK, My husband rented this movie and I just finished watching it.It does start out slow. These 5 men are going on a bow-hunting deer trip, with these hillbilly's that look like they starred in "Deliverance". The hillbilly's are human hunters and take these men out to hunt them. They are not killed all by bows. Some of the ways these poor people are killed are horrifying. It is a low budget movie and has no special effects, but thats what scares me the most, its so realistic. I got caught up in it, my heart was pounding so hard! I'm not really into scary movies, I can handle SCREAM, HALLOWEEN, those type movies but this one..EEKKK. I think its worth watching if you want to get scared to death, but keep in mind I'm just a girlie-girl thats easily scared anyway :) Oh and my husband is a bow-hunter and he slipped out of the room , went and got his bow, snuck up on me with it and like to gave me a heart attack! Well thats it, I'm gonna go in here and fuss at my hubby for trying to give me a heart attack and try to rest!
spectre316-1 Truly hilarious "horror" film.Here's a short synopsis: a bunch of hunting hick friends go on a hunting trip, but end up being hunted one by one themselves by cannibalistic hunters.It's all really lame. The flashbacks to Vietnam are especially tasteless; they look like they were filmed in the director's backyard. The acting is often laughable (watch for when one of the hunting friends gets hit by an arrow; his facial expressions and the weird gurgle-sounds he conjures are absolutely hilarious). Half the time, it looks like it was shot through a paper towel tube. It's just awful in nearly every single way.If you want a laugh, "Season of the Hunted" will provide you the opportunity. I found it in my local rental store, and I encourage you to look out for it.
captlatner I rented this movie with the hopes of seeing an interesting and original take on "The Most Dangerous Game". I quickly realized I was going to get neither. Bad acting, bad direction and extremely bad videography. I got the impression that this was made by a group of friends with a video camera. To start with, the quality of the film/video changes from shot to shot. Some scenes look like they were shot on film, then the next seems to be video, the next looks like it was taken from a news helicopter. And I don't know if this was done deliberately or not, but the "good guys" that get killed are not very well developed, to the point of being obnoxious. You don't feel very sorry for them when they are butchered, and in the case of one of them, you almost cheer. I realize they wanted these guys to be realistic, but when the main "hero" turns into a pile of jello when the s**t hits the fan, you know the movie is in trouble. I could go on and on about what is wrong with this film. Just do yourself a favor and skip this one, unless you don't mind pissing away 1 1/2 hours of your life.